Update on Kevin

Started by Jeff D, October 31, 2001, 09:17:32 AM

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Jeff D

Kevin was taken off the ventilator Tuesday afternoon as he is satisfactorily breathing on his own, a good sign.  His internal organs such as kidneys, liver, etc, appear to be functioning normally, which is a good sign also.  He remains sedated and further tests are in order to determine if there is any lasting brain damage or other troubles thus far undetected.  He is making gradual and steady progress, but he is still in critical condition.  His parents arrived at his side Monday evening and Ron Ribolzi is taking care of their needs.  As I receive more information I will post it here.
Please continue to keep Kevin in your prayers.  Thank YOU, Grandpaul, for your wonderful prayer for Kevin.  You put into print what so many of us have spoken from our hearts.  Thank you to all of you on behalf of Kevin and his family for lifting them up in their time of need.  As has been shown so many times before, the motorcycling community truly is one big family.  God bless you all.

Jeff DeBell
Jeff DeBell

Steve Minor

Jeff......Do they plan to operate? If so, will Kevin need any blood?

Count on me if he does!

Steve Minor