Wanted; VDO Drive for ft wheel

Started by Chakka, October 13, 2007, 12:26:19 PM

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I am looking for a VDO Drive unit for my Harescambler, the drive tabs are broken on the original that came with the bike.


Big Mac

Chris, as no one's stepped up with a replacement, you may want to try this...
If you slide a small flat blade in behind the drive plate and carefully work your way around, it should come off. You can service the internals and lube everything up, since they're usually bone dry.

Then grab your tin snips or dykes and make two pairs of cuts on the outer edge of the plate, just wide enough to replicate the original tabs. Bend them over 90 degrees with needlenose pliers, and you're in business. I have resurrected a couple this way.

Also, FYI, running the bike with the drive in place but without the cable in place is a no-no, and is what causes the tabs to shear off in most cases. Without the cable installed, there's nothing to hold the worm-drive gear down where it belongs. They ride up and then the gears jamb and lock up, causing the spinning wheel to sacrifice off the tabs.

Jon McLean
Lake Grove, OR
Jon McLean
Lake Grove, OR



I think I have 1 or 2 in my goodies...I will look tomorrow a.m. and let you know.  It attaches at the wheel hub axle, right? I am not much of an expert at Enduro Models, don't know their condition either...but we'll cross that bridge once I see what I have. I do have a VDO Odometer, kinda cracked up but has a cable too.

Victor Monz


Thanks so much guys! Jon, the unit is apart and greased but the tabs were broken off when I bought the bike. That's a good idea for a fix, I will definetely give it a try and report back on results. Victor, the drive I need fits over the stub axle of the ft. wheel and is held in place by the thin nut threaded on the sub axle thds. If you locate one I will be happy to purchase it. Even if I manage to fix the existing one, my next restoration will be a 77' 250GS and she will need one.




I have the drive you need and the little tabs are in tact, I also have the VDO, Cable and mounting bracket for the bars...although the rubbers are tore.

Let me know, I have pictures.  e-mail me at   [email protected]

Glad to find a home for this....I'm an mx'er don't really want to know my speed.


Chris, not to be pushy, however, if you aren't interested I will be E-baying them off tomorrow a.m....call me if you need more time and are serious.  (951) 766-6343


Hey Chris, There is one on Ebay for a Husky but am quite sure its a VDO. Item # 150172493893. It looks to have a cable too and starts at 5.00. hope this help, TooTallPaul