How to prep 72 six day frame?

Started by backkraker, October 14, 2007, 02:45:54 PM

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Hello to all and thanks for all the great help on my Mx version six day. Now working on a 72 six day with toaster tank and seat already reconditioned. The PO sprayed the frame and it dosen't look to bad.    
    Again I ask the POGS advice, pro cons on whether I should powder coat etc etc?

    Thanks Joe


...........blast with fine sand and paint, powder coating is over rated, especially if you intend to use it, if you do you may need to fix it and the powder turns to a bloody mess..........
Quote: Thomas Jefferson, We are all born ignorant, some work to remain that way.
 Quote:Peter Villacaro, \\"it is impossible to teach those that wish not to be taught\\".


"powder coating is over rated, especially if you intend to use it, if you do you may need to fix it and the powder turns to a bloody mess.........."

I agree and from my experience, powder coat failures are more dramatic than with painted surfaces.

When powder coat is chipped, the underlying metal begins to corrode and lifts the powder coat finish up such that more and more moisture can get under the powder coat and the corrosion runs and expands rapidly.  The result is that the powder coat finish lifts off in sheets.  If paint is chipped it will form a rust spot which is typically somewhat stable in comparison.

Apparently powder coat is good for reducing VOC emissions which is great but, I have had to throw away powder coated items because they became so badly pitted.

1972 125 Six Day
1972 125 Six Day