Jackpine clutch

Started by Dean531, November 02, 2001, 12:21:13 PM

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My "75" Jackpine has a slipping clutch and I can't seem to fix this. The clutch was put on new years ago and until the last couple of years it was not ridden much. ANY ideas would be greatly appriciated.


Larry Perkins

Clean all the plates well and make sure you have a good cable and proper spring tension.  This fixes most KTM clutch probs.  Measure the plates when you have them out to see if they are in tolerance.


Kip Kern

Another thought.  If applicable, check the direction of the clutch material on the plates.  I have seen directional material on some clutch plates and it is required to spin only one direction so as to sling oil off and not scoop it up creating hydraulic affect.  A long shot, and most plates have straight material, but I have seen the directional stuff in a few engines I have rebuilt!



Larry, the plates where clean and the cable is good, the springs didn't even cross my mind.                                         Kip, I have the directional plates in mine. I tried them all in one direction, now I'll try the other.                                        Thanks guys, I'll try these suggestions first chance I get.