Homepage Photo Quiz - January 2008

Started by Admin, December 28, 2007, 12:58:30 PM

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I use Mozilla's Firefox as my Internet browser, and there is a setting that when you close the browser, it cleans out all of the cookies, so I never even thought about keeping the old stuff.



HOORAY.  Karen The Great Webmaster solved my problem.

Deleting cookies cured my problem.  I am no longer lost and see nothing but bluse sky's and sunshine for 2008.




You are Good...Well done!


Pat Mickevicius


The glasses give it away.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

Paul Danik

We are glad you guys enjoyed the home page photo. We still have a few more from that group, and thanks to Richard Sanders we know who the cast of characters are.

     Hopefully this picture will inspire some guys to possibly get their Steel Tankers out and ride them in some events just for the thrill of it.

     Thanks also to Karen for taking the time to get that picture to work.  It is easier to use pictures that are wider than high on the homepage, but it seems like every picture I ask her to use is higher than wide, but she always comes through for the Group.



Quotequote:Originally posted by Paul Danik

A number of times I would conclude that I was off course and just about then I would see the tire marks from Dane and Billy where they had spun around earlier having missed the same arrow, I would laugh as I spun around in their tire tracks.

As an aside to this Photo Quiz exchange, I had to laugh when I read about Paul missing turns.  Although I've only been fortunate enough to ride with him a couple of time, Paul is one of best I've even known at picking arrows out of background clutter.

On one ride I had slid to a stop at a junction where I knew there had to be an arrow, but for the life of me I couldn't FIND the durn thing.  Then P.D. comes zinging up from behind (he LET me get ahead of him), and without even slowing down, spots the arrow, zips around the turn, and is gone in a cloud of dust before I could even get my bike into gear.

Another time, he ran me down on a road section (took him a while, 'cause I though we was RACIN' and so was giving it everything I had!), finally got us turned around, and headed back to the turn I had missed THREE miles back.  Wooooeeeee!