beat up mx tank needed

Started by chicagojerry, March 10, 2008, 08:04:28 AM

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hi all, i'm trying to help my buddy, diamond don rainey find a fiberglass mx tank for a 74/75 high-breather. condition (within reason)or color is unimportant. my neighbor is a great fiberglass and paint repair guy so unless its been run over and flattened like a pancake he can probably fix it. thanks for any consideration.
chi jer

[email protected]

Jerry, I have a 74 Mint tank,white,decals wore off and it leaks near the left petcock which looks like it was rtied to be repaired with some sore of paste/glue. Tank does not have cap or petcocks but will fit high breather frame.   $60 plus shipping.                                Stork


hey jeff, i tried to send you an email off this message board but it bounced back.   can you please drop me a line at [email protected] or call my cell?  440 213 5146

Gary Roach


Jeff now has a different email address. It's [email protected]



hey gary, that email address bounced back too. do you have a phone number for him? or maybe he will see this posting and can give me a call...     chi jer

Gary Roach

Sorry Jer, I typed it in wrong. Try [email protected]



hey gary, that one didn't work either[?]   thanks for trying tho. if you know how to reach him, have him call me or send an email.    thanks again,   chi jer

[email protected]

Jerry, Try [email protected], as you can see I need to change my username for POG.   Thanks, Jeff


hi jeff, i just sent you an email off-line..  thanks for the reply. and thanks gary for your patience....jerry