Protect our Right to Ride

Started by grandpaul, November 19, 2001, 10:09:41 AM

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Freedom Costs; spend a little time protecting it.
I have copied this from another forum and thought you all should really read this closely.

This Article In A Nutshell

This article has to do with the EPA passing rules to limit our rights to ride. By passing strict pollution standards for motorcycles and passing laws forbidding us from working on our own rides the EPA is severely damaging our freedoms. oZ
What can you do?

Read the Article Below, then Contact the EPA and share your thoughts with them about limiting your freedoms.

Join Operation Wrench or throw away your wrenches. It is up to you. For those of you who think we are crying the sky is falling; you had better take a closer look at what the EPA is proposing for motorcycles; and an even closer look at the things you love about your ride.

When your bike came off the line it lacked a lot of things. A few changes in carb and Cams and a little customizing made it your bike. That's part of our culture; our bikes are our love, our hobby, an extension of our expression, and a part of our being as well as a drain on our family budgets.

However, if EPA has their way it will be a part of our history that we tell our Grandchildren about. No longer will the family garage be a place of learning and bonding between parents and their kids while they tinker on their bike. Their goal seems to be a California like emission, consideration of anti-tampering or prohibiting modifications. What you buy off the line is what you get; and oh yeah when you need work done on it, it will be back to the manufacturer with market prices being whatever they want. There will no longer be basket cases, just crates from the factory. While you are out there in the wind enjoying the performance of your bike or thinking it could use some adjustment; think about this and make a personal commitment to help us fight EPA.

Unfortunately this is going to be more of an uphill fight than ever before. The EPA has won the first battle DIVIDE AND CONQUER. The AMA has decided to try to work with EPA and settle for compromises. The Executive Board of Illinois Abate and the MRF are committed we are going to stand and fight. We will not compromise our bikes and our culture. We know what this fight might cost, but what we lack in dollars, we make up for in heart and dedication. So Operation Wrench is launched. And it is our intention to toss a monkey wrench into the plans of the EPA.

The plan is to start with a large public awareness campaign. It will begin with each of you. Talk to every person you ride with. Every rider you come across at a stop sign, parking lot or tavern. You're goanna have to care, and in turn make them care about what is going to happen. Start a conversation with anyone and everyone. Don't assume even that your fellow members in the VRCC (added by oZ) or any other club or organization you may belong to has read any articles or MRF bulletins. Instead assume that they have no idea of

If you find a motorcyclist, an aftermarket producer or custom shop who haven't written in, urge them to do so. Suggest they read the public comments filed by ABATE of Illinois ( and the Motorcycle Riders Foundation (

Sometime this fall, EPA will publish a proposed rule. Around the New Year, EPA will publish a final rule. In short, action to break the EPA chokehold should be in full swing now and through the rest of this year. We must recruit an army to protect our freedom.

The emissions from our rides are minimal, less than a lawnmower in fact. The EPA should look to us and take note that we have the fuel efficient, economical means of transportation that more people should be encouraged to use.

If you want to advance our rights and safeguard our lifestyle, the course is clear.

Write to aftermarket producers whose products you buy. Tell them about the treat to their business and your freedom. Visit custom shops in your area. Explain the threat. Urge them to get involved. While you are at these shops and bars or any other areas the Motorcycling community frequents; tell them we are planning an awareness campaign and ask if they would permit us to put up posters and information at their place of business.

Our movement was born in freedom. The Freedom to ride what we want. The Freedom to go where we dream. The freedom to wear what we like. If you don't act now, with a resolve to fight this battle and the conviction to win, we can dream all we want and wear what we like. But our rides will be nothing but old photographs.


MAKE COPIES OF THIS LETTER. Put it up in places that you frequent. Hand them to everyone you talk to and tell them to make copies and do the same-everywhere!!

ABATE of Illinois has a rightfully earned reputation for getting the job done (whatever it takes), because we pull together. It's time for all riders and everyone who loves their freedom to pull together-nationwide-to get this job done!

What is going on. The EPA is still accepting public comments. We are urging everyone to send a postcard stating you oppose the restrictions of proposed. You may also submit comments via e-mail to [email protected]

It is preferable to mail directly using [email protected]

For time constrained CLICK HERE TO SEND AN EMAIL TO THE EPA with our auto-send

RULE ANPRM A2000-01 on dirt bikes, ATVs and Motorcycles.

Send these cards to:

Your Name
Your Email

Your message to the EPA (click in box to put your own words in)
I oppose the restrictions of the proposed EPA rule for control of emissions being discussed on Highway Motorcycles.

What you feel about the
40 CFR Parts 86, 94, 1048 and 1051
Control of Emissions From Nonroad Large Spark Ignition Engines, Recreational Engines (Marine and Land-Based), and Highway Motorcycles

United States Environmental Protection Agency
MC 2843
Washington, DC 20460
e-mail: [email protected]

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