M30 bearings (update)

Started by dirtbike, April 07, 2008, 05:51:06 PM

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M30 bearings update.

As many of you know since we have been mailing back and fourth the last week
there was a problem with the M30 bearing. The situation was that I was supposed
to send a sample bearing as a confirmation of my order. That I did the 4:th of
December 2007. The delivery time was to be sometime at the end of February or
beginning of March 2008.

I sent a couple of mails in January - February without any reply whatsoever. Things
started to feel troublesome and around 2 weeks ago I wrote that I needed to know what
was happening and when I could expect the bearings to be delivered. Still no reply !!!
So, on Thursday last week I wrote and demanded either an exact date of delivery or a
confirmation of my cancellation of the order and that I required them to send me back
the sample bearing.
So the day after, on Friday I got this explanation "The sample bearing was here all the time".
Your interpretation is probably as good as mine !!??!!

However, the situation now is 60 days (around 6:th of June) and I need to go to Germany myself to pick them up.
After have beeing in contact with a handful of you buyers during this weekend I have decided to
go through with this. However, I'm not convinced until I have the bearings in sight so I would
preffer to send the money back to those of you that have payed already. You will of course be
entitled to buy them at the initial offer anyway once I have them in stock.

Please, send me a mail if you want me to refund the money. If not, the order will be pending
as before but the preliminary delivery date is moved forward until the 6:th of June 2008.
Since the manufacturing is out of my hands I cannot promise anything more than what I have
a reason to belive so if you decide to leave the money with me until June you have to recognize
that I cannot promise anything other than that I think that they will be available.

Sorry for the inconvenience.
//B Hahn