Combs pictures

Started by brian kirby, April 28, 2008, 07:48:49 PM

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brian kirby

Here are some of the pictures my Mom took at Combs.

Marc Hodge waiting to check into the second terrain test.

Ernie flying the Big Bore Berkshire in the first day MX test.

Ernie crossing THE creek at the start.

Team Phillips Vintage waiting for their minute on the afternoon loop. Bobby Lucas looks on with approval.

Classic MX start, Kid Christopher gets the jump.

Penton 1-2 at the Classic MX start.

First lap Kid Christopher lays it down.

Sportsman 200/Open start, Ernie 3rd on the Big Bore Berkshire, me in next-to-last on the Canned Ham.

Half way through the 1st lap Ernie is in first, I'm 4th.

3rd lap, Ernie under pressure from the Canned Ham.

Yours truly. I know this is not a Penton, but I like the picture. I'll have a Penton for next year.

Wendell and Mike Husted dicing in their MX Moto.

Me and Bobby Lucas. This caption should read "Man, get off that Can-Am and get a Penton!"

Rocks? What rocks?


Dwight Rudder

I notice that you didn't show what actually won the first moto ?
Embarrassing I know.  OH, By the way my wife is trying to work it out so that I might can attend the ISDTR this year even if she doesn't attend. If so , I will be riding my 1973 Jackpiner in the 200 Sportsman Expert class.  It is just a bit faster than what won the Vintage Qualifier final Moto in the Premier /  Classic Expert class , moto 1.

brian kirby

I didnt have a good picture of you in the MX test, but I do have a couple good ones of you.

At the control after the 2nd loop terrain test.

Crossing the creek.

Mom took pictures of you and she didnt even know who you were because she liked your period correct gear. :)


Dwight Rudder

Neat !    Thanks.  Never knew someone could look that good sitting on a Honda XL100 !

brian kirby

So are you going to miss the Gobbler Getter to go to the Reunion Ride?


Dwight Rudder

Up in the air but leaning toward the Gobbler Getter.  Debbie must attend and some of my closest friends are putting it on.  She says if I can travel with someone to the ISDTR that I can go.  We'll see.

Mike Burgess

Quotequote:Originally posted by Dwight Rudder

Up in the air but leaning toward the Gobbler Getter.  Debbie must attend and some of my closest friends are putting it on.  She says if I can travel with someone to the ISDTR that I can go.  We'll see.

Dwight, right before his heart surgery dad completed a very very sweet 100cc Berkshire for Clark. I don't think dad will be through his ordeal by a long shot by then but i'm sure Clark will make the trip. You may want to contact him about catching a ride with him for the event. Hope you and Deb are doing well and i send my Love to you both!


Dwight Rudder

Quotequote:Originally posted by Mike Burgess

Quotequote:Originally posted by Dwight Rudder

Up in the air but leaning toward the Gobbler Getter.  Debbie must attend and some of my closest friends are putting it on.  She says if I can travel with someone to the ISDTR that I can go.  We'll see.

Dwight, right before his heart surgery dad completed a very very sweet 100cc Berkshire for Clark. I don't think dad will be through his ordeal by a long shot by then but i'm sure Clark will make the trip. You may want to contact him about catching a ride with him for the event. Hope you and Deb are doing well and i send my Love to you both!


How is Mike (Don) doing ?  I spoke with Lynda right after the surgery but haven't gotten a update since and I was gone to Texas to an Enduro this weekend.