Possible Penton "tribute" part of Jackpine Enduro

Started by Mike Stephenson, June 04, 2008, 10:05:09 PM

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Mike Stephenson

(well, technically, part of the Pinecone (the day before), and would naturally flow over into the next day, the Jackpine - I figured more of you guys would recognize Jackpine Enduro vs Pinecone!)

Perhaps you saw my other recent post about the Family Enduro Series in Michigan adding a Vintage class. I would really like to see that element of the FES series grow - and it seems the primary promoter (Mike Mauer Jr.)  of the FES is liking the idea as well.  

In recent Emails between he and I, he asked if I thought there might be some interest on the part of POG members, Penton Owners, vintage bike lovers in general in participating in the Pine Cone enduro.  The Pine Cone takes place the day before the Jackpine, and typically uses some of the same trail the Jackpine does.  The Pinecone starts and finishes at the Lansing Motorcycle Club grounds near Moorestown, Michigan.

He has suggested the idea of a special Penton display area where we could all park our bikes, and is working on other special "tribute" type ideas in celebration of the 40th anniversary.  To me, doing this on the (to enduro racers at least!) hallowed grounds of the start of the Jackpine is just perfect.  One unfortunate coincidence is the Pinecone is the same weekend as Vintage Days - but I am sure there may be plenty of Poggers not planning on Vintage Days who might be interested in the Pinecone.  He even suggested the idea of inviting John Penton and other Penton notables (long shot now realizing the timing with Vintage Days).  

BUT - before he gets the wheels in motion, he asked if I might get a feel for the level of interest out there.  So....what is the level of interest?  How many of you would show up for this little Penton gathering?

I know my Penton would be there (though due to some mechanical issues may not be ridable - would at least be part of a display). I know Young Ted will have his Penton there (I think he is riding the Jackpine on it in fact), and I am oh, 80% sure of two other Pentons that might at least be there for display, or possible ride the Pinecone (or maybe Jackpine).

Please let me know - we need to get a quick read of the level of interest so Mike can get things rolling.

Mike Stephenson
Atlanta, Michigan
Penton Newbie - thanks to Young Ted!
Mike Stephenson
Atlanta, Michigan
Penton Newbie - thanks to Young Ted!

Mike Stephenson

Here is a link to that other thread I mentioned. that thread has links to the Pinecone Flyer, the FES schedule etc.


Mike Stephenson
Atlanta, Michigan
Penton Newbie - thanks to Young Ted!
Mike Stephenson
Atlanta, Michigan
Penton Newbie - thanks to Young Ted!