Summersville or Log Road VMX?

Started by tooclose racing, June 30, 2008, 06:06:50 PM

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tooclose racing

Greetings Racer Boys (and Girls)...

Are any VMX Racers going to either of the referenced MX races on July 12th? I'm looking for offers or openings that might lighten the gasoline bill.

Summersville, WV - its about 550 miles (!)and Google Maps says I would head over to Erie, PA from Oswego,NY and then head south all the way on I-79.

Log Road (Coldwater, MI)- oh..MUCH shorter, its about 545 miles (:()and Google says Head West Young Man (90 all the way to I-69, then north a bit).

I've got a 6 X 10 enclosed. Can hold three bikes if I ever get my wheel chocks installed. ;)  The wife will pretty much make me sleep on the sofa if I put all of these miles on her Mountaineer.


i really like log road. its a good track that holds up well even if it rains and its run by an ahrma guy, jeff beerbower. i'm glad to see that he got a nat'l.   unfortunately, i can't go there because of my knee injury. if the mileage is the same, i would shoot for the nat'l at log road.  (but i've never been to summersville)   chi jer