cable routing question

Started by OhioTed, August 01, 2008, 10:22:38 PM

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Fellow POG'ers, I need some direction on proper routing of the clutch cable on my '73 Six-Day.  Note, it's NOT a high-breather frame.  Starting at the case, does the cable go inside or outside of the pipe?  Then, where does it get routed through the frame, and where does it pass between the fork tubes?  And, where does it go relative to the number plate? (I'm running an enduro setup, with the small headlight)

I don't remember how the cable was routed from before I took the bike apart, and the one my Berkshire makes a sharp turn out of the case and goes under the cylinder fins, then straight up the front downtube.  That setup wouldn't be my first choice.

Any advice would be much appreciated.


From what I can gather from the manuals I have, the cable will go inside the pipe, running parallel to the throttle cable. Out through the tubes on the left side of the steering head, behind the light, but in front of the number plate, up to the lever.