some downtime in my future

Started by chicagojerry, June 06, 2008, 12:40:58 PM

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Lloyd ,
  What leg would that be , your right or left , I need to know which side to take you out on . I need all the advantages I can get .

Glenn Berry

Jerry, Thanks for the info on the  bars and all the effort you are putting into mid-ohio. Souns like it will be a excellent event. Hope to see you there. Glenn

Glenn Berry
Glenn Berry


Jerry, I tore ACL, MCL, Meniscus nearly two years ago. Had cadaver ACL replacement a month after the injury. All went fine, the knee keeps getting better. I'm 53 and most of the time I can't tell what knee had the problem. Hope yours goes as well.


Jerry , appreciate that about the mini , for my daughters ! I know what you mean about laying off the beer !  That's what I liked about Weight Watchers , I could bank up beer points for the week-end ! (lol)You are in my prayers for a speedy recovery ! Matty


Sorry to hear about the injury Jerry.  Hopefully the docs will get you up and running soon.  That and the new diet should have you feeling better than ever before long.

Kent Knudson
Kevin Brown
Gary & Toni Roach
James & Adam Giddings


going under the knife tomorrow, aug 21.   too much stuff moving around in the knee and ready to move on to the next phase of getting it better. the leg is strong and in good shape for the surgery so its time to get it done.
see everyone at the penton celebration!  [8D]   chi jer


You are on my prayer list.

Doug Wade


  You will be in my Prayers.  Keep us informed and thanks for the great job you did at Mid Ohio.  I wasn't there, but I understand the course you set up was great.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


I'll be praying for you out here in So. Cal.....Victor

Lew Mayer

Lew Mayer

Jeff D

Hope everything went well "under the knife" and hope your rehab goes as well as mine did.  Back to work 7 weeks post-surgery.  Watch out for the pain pills, though.  The ones I had stopped me up like a bag of Quikrete!  Might not hit you like that, but until you know for sure, suggest stool softeners, prunes, s**t!  Sorry to be graphic, but you don't need the innards not working right while your knee is healing, bro!
Heal quick...there's cycles to ride!

Jeff DeBell
Jeff DeBell


hey jeff, thanks for the heads-up. when i saw your note i had already been starting to get concerned. prunes were an amazing help. :D the knee is a little better each day. i hope that continues. chi jer

brian kirby

The pain killer I got for my surgery a year and a half ago (a liquid that looked like cough medicine) did the same thing. The folks at the hospital warned me, so I didnt have a problem, but Jeff is right, be careful.


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