Steel tanker axels/chain adjustors needed

Started by clayman, October 04, 2008, 10:59:53 PM

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I am in need of front and rear axels and chain adjustors in order to complete my 1971 Steel tank 125. Can someone please help me with these items, or direct me to someone who may have them? I tried Al Buehner and he doesn't have those parts.


[email protected]

Randy Kirkbride

What condition do you need? I have a complete ST rear hub, axle, adjusters, etc.
Everything but wheel & spokes.
Good condition.
Call me. 740-819-4481

john durrill

 Can you give me the measurements on the front Axel. I think we have a NOS one and have no use for it. Would be glad to get it in the hands of someone that can use it.
John D.

Randy Kirkbride


Hi John,

I am the one needing the front axel for the 35mm Ceriani forks (1971 Steel tanker).

Please let me know if you'll sell it to me. I need to get this bike together. Maybe Kip Kern or someone would know the difference between the 1971 axel and the later '72-'73 axel.



Kip Kern


Send an email to [email protected] and let me know what you are needing.  The CMF and Steel Tank stuff won't interchange.  CIAO

john durrill

 Check with Kip first.
 I have a new front axle some where in a box in the garage that is not for a CMF 72-? Penton .
 I can measure it for you . Kip can tell you what it should be in dimensions. You are welcome to it. I will never have need of it.
Just send me a shipping address and send me what ever it costs to ship. Its yours if it is the right one.
 John D.


Hi John,

I did email Kip and am awaiting his reply. I'd love to get the axel from you and would gladly reimburse you for mailing if you'd send it to me. Can I trade you anything for it? Even if Kip has some "spares" for me, I'd still like to have an extra, since this will be an AHRMA Classic 125-class racer.


Clay Light
P.O Box 414
Gervais, OR. 97026

john durrill

 I will check this weekend and have it in hand. When you get Kips note let me know what the axle measurements are. If this one is it we will mail it to you.
 If you have an old Sachs 175 6/A GS engine laying about we will gladly take it in trade :D.
 No Just kidding. The things i need now are very hard to find. Lots of folks have given me things over the years. This is just an opportunity for me to give back a little  for the many things others have given me.
 Cheers mate [:p]
John D.

john durrill

 Here is a picture with some measurements . If its the right one send me a mailing address please.

 John D.

john durrill

  Did you want the axle? If not is there someone else that can use it?
John D.


Hi John,

Yes, I can use the axel. I did email your email address listed on the POG site a week ago with my address.

Thanks also to you for your help!


john durrill

Ok Clay,
 My home email is [email protected]
If i dont here from you in a day or so we will try again.
John D.
 Home phone 396-752-9290