Penton shift/kickstarter rubbers?

Started by clayman, December 09, 2008, 10:24:01 PM

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Does anyone remember awhile back someone having shifter/kicker rubbers for sale for the Sachs motors? I don't see the posting anymore and would like to purchase a set.



Kip Kern


Thanks Kip, I'll try both of them for availability of those items.



I got a real nice set from Larry Perkins recently.By the way I really enjoyed the Baja stories. Back when Kawasaki was winning Baja my brother & I pitted for them when it was point to point.One year our pit was Ciudad Constitucion which is about 100 cliks from La Paz.The Mexicans had been partying for days with alot of hombres coming up from La Paz. We had our pit set up by 8am on Thursday with our 1st rider due at 8pm. By that evening there had to be hundreds of drunken spectators milling around.Paul Krause was the 1st rider in & he had to weave thru the people to get to the pit.We had a hard time gassing him for the crowd pressing around.Luckily all he needed was gas & goggles. Later that night 1 guy started waving a pistol around & was going to shoot the hombre eyeballing his wife/girlfriend the federales showed up saw the gun & took off.Fortunately the guys friends got him some more tequila & he passed out & they took his pistole. In the Matador tradition some spectators liked to wait until a trophy truck got real close & run from 1 side of the sand wash to the other. If you have never seen a trophy truck running about 100 mph & putting out more light than the Las Vegas strip it has to be seen to be believed! Sorry for being so long winded just miss those days. Wish Kaw would go back to Baja.Bob

Bob Jones
Show-me state
(2)74 Harescramblers,72 Jackpiner,68/69 6-Day,73 Harescrambler.

Bob Jones
Show-me state
(2)74 Harescramblers,72 Jackpiner,68/69 6-Day,73 Harescrambler.