Penton 40th parade

Started by OhioTed, December 11, 2008, 08:06:28 PM

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I can't help it, folks - I just can't get the Penton 40th Anniversary Parade ride out of my head.  That simply was one of the coolest, most awesome experiences I've ever had.  Just check out this photo.  Could you ever imagine that such a group of bikes and such a group of riders would have ever been brought together?  

Then, can you ever imagine that such an incredible group of riders and bikes would all be turned loose, to RIDE through the streets of Amherst, and then to arrive at John Penton's farm!!??  Come on - that's the stuff of dreams!!!

If ever I wished I could be in two places at once, it was on that day.  To be a part of the parade was incredible, but it would have also been so awesome to be among those who were positioned at the main intersection of Amherst, and to watch and hear that huge assembly of Pentons - all following a little, orange truck, come crackling and popping into town, and with a glorious cloud of two stroke smoke overhead.  Heaven!

Bob Kent

8D]  For me, as I've stated elsewhere, seeing John Penton standing in his own backyard, surrounded by the bikes he created, along with the people who rode and sold them, and receiving a long spontaneous standing ovation - PRICELESS!!!  Another high point (pun intended) in a long motorcycling career.


Good point, Bob.  A special Thank You goes out to you and Corky, for bringing out the one and only Duke sidecar rig for the event, and the parade.  Your participation, and the uniqueness of the Duke really added to the event.


This is a wonderful photo Ted.

It was taken in downtown Amherst.

That's John Penton driving his "BMW Pentonmobile". He's on the left inside the cab.

Paul Danik is to the right, waving to the camera.
Just above Paul's helmet is George Bliss riding his steel tank Penton that he bought when it was new. Looks are deceiving for if you look closely at George on his bike in the photo, it looks like an old guy on an old bike. For those of us who were there and saw - a young kid out riding his Penton with his Penton buddies.;)

I even spotted myself on my bike near the back of the pack.

What a great event that was!

Alan Buehner
Alan Buehner


Hey, that's great, Al.  Let's see who else we can pick out.  I recognize other folks, but I don't know thier names.  Directly behind the Pentonmobile are Jack Penton's son and grandson.  Behind them is Gigi Penton, and the next bike back is Doug Wilford, easily spotted by his ISDT helmet.  Note also original Jofa mouthguard dangling from one side of Doug's helmet.  I'm also thinking that Jack Penton may be directly behind Doug, albeit all but obscured, with only his arms showing.  And, next bike behind Jack is crazy-man Dave Sanders' lovely wife (can't remember her name right now.)  I can see you further back, Al - red Penton shirt, full-coverage helmet, and a corner of your bike's number-9 number plate sticking out.  On the right, the young lady behind Paul Danik is possibly a member of the Penton family?  Once again, can't remember her name.  I see Bob Wardlow - directly to the left of the motor officer (green Penton shirt, vintage, blue Bell Mag 4 helmet).  And, who was riding the anniversary-edition KTM Jackpiner?  You can its blue plastic and yellow number plate behind Bob.  And, just behind him you can see Art Busik's BMW, pulling camera platform duty.  Come on, folks, pick yourself out.  This was a once-in-a-lifetime ride, and you've been immortalized!