Death of Sox Brookhart

Started by JimGilham, March 03, 2009, 11:19:18 PM

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Sox Brookhart of Brookhart Cycle Sales passed away after a brief illness on Friday evening, February 27, 2009. Sox were 82 years young. He was a key influence to modern off road motorcycling from his days riding and selling Triumph, Greeves, Sachs, and Hodaka motorcycles. He became a part of John Penton's grass roots off road revolution in early 1970 with his Penton & Husqvarna franchise. Sox was known for his professional, clean, and meticulous bike assemblies as well as his riding expertise. He was a worthy friend of all in the off road community. Sox is survived by his wife Jeanie and daughter Barbie. We wish Sox God's speed.

dennis brown

i'm sorry to hear about his death, rode many races against sox here in ohio.

dennis l.brown
dennis l.brown


Sox was always eager to help younger riders like myself.  He won many enduros as well friends here in Ohio.  When Sox wasn't racing he was at the enduros usually running a checkpoint with Jeanie.  Anyone could always count on having him take a gas can out if you needed it.  As Dennis said his bikes were prepped spotlessly.  I ran into him many times on off weekends riding with locals from his shop for fun.  Sox was an avid motorcyclist that I will miss very much.  I hope he zeros all of God's enduros.  Ted Atkinson

Don Roth

As the others have said, another good guy gone, only met him a few years ago, a true

Gary Roach

Someone told me a few years ago, that, "back in the day", if you ever saw a bike with an aluminum speedometer guard and a fork brace used for a headlight protector, that it was more that likely one of Sox' bikes. Neat ideas.

Previous Little Burr National Enduro winners. Sox is the gentleman standing next to John with the blue and white hat.