AHRMA Perhaps Not Shooting Straight

Started by Larry Perkins, April 16, 2009, 09:34:15 PM

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Larry Perkins


You are right in that it is not productive my friend.  They have just pissed me off one time too many.  I will say this final piece and wash my hands of them and go on to better things.

You ask what changes?  Here is my top ten.

1-Suck it up and bury the hatchet on the law suit to do whatever it takes to stay with the AMA and not lose VMD.
2-Truly listen to the members and explore their suggestions as it is supposed to be a member organization.
3-DO NOT for ANY reason change the rules in mid season.
4-Figure out how to add youth racing instead of trying to figure out how not to.
5-Get some semblance of order and common sense to the sign-up and tech process.
6-Remove the few people that run their part of AHRMA in a Nazi manner.
7-End the cronyism and hard headedness.  That will take removal of some top officials.
8-Come up with a hard long term policy on what happens in bad weather situations instead of playing it by ear and no one really knowing each time what might be decided.
9-In all decisions go out of the way to not have or give the appearance of Conflict of Interest.
10-Don't go after people that criticize but go back to number two and listen.

I will try to let it go at that and go on to my next project and meanwhile will hope the necessary changes come because if they don't AHRMA will fold.

Larry P


Larry you hit the nail head dead in the center,very well put. I would like to add 1 thing to your already complete list is to reduce the national schedule drasticly and focus more on regionals that count toward a national championship.

Quote: Thomas Jefferson, We are all born ignorant, some work to remain that way.
 Quote:Peter Villacaro, "it is impossible to teach those that wish not to be taught".
Quote: Thomas Jefferson, We are all born ignorant, some work to remain that way.
 Quote:Peter Villacaro, \\"it is impossible to teach those that wish not to be taught\\".


Many good points/opinions from Larry, Dwight, Teddy and others.  I want to commend everyone for keeping such a civil tone on this potentially explosive topic.  Very good gentlemen.

Keith Taylor (professional POG lurker)