
Started by Steve Minor, July 29, 2009, 12:57:06 PM

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Steve Minor

Any word on Rick Ticknor?
Is he still in business?

He's done several seats for me in the past and I'll need another done soon. He's always done a great job and at a fair price....I'd like to use him again if possible.

Steve Minor
Wilmington, NC
Steve Minor


I had Gary Ellis do a few for me, and they turned out very nice. You might want to give him a shout and see if he can help. [^]

Dennis Jones

Rumor from another site has it that Rick just vanished and still had a lot of peoples seats.

If true that is sad, I have had him do seats and he does very good work

Dennis Jones
Dennis Jones


It is sad, but true: Rick did just vanish with a lot of people's seats and money. I stopped by his house on my way through eastern Oregon to find out why I hadn't received my CZ seat, and he actually answered the door.

When I told him who I was, he said he was having problems (probably drugs but I can't say for sure), but promised me that if I didn't ask for my money back and take the seat base and foam, he'd have the seat for me that Friday (and that was last January). That was after six months of leaving him phone messages and e-mails and no replies!

Anyhow, there are many other unhappy customers, including Fritz Guenther, who sent him hundreds of dollars and a couple Maico seats.

We (all who have been ripped off) need to do something about this guy.



Pray for him.


Larry Perkins


You are a good man and a great example.  Proud to know you.

Larry P


LP & Vic,

Right on! I have done this (prayed for him) many times and I am a forgiving person, that's why I gave him another chance......well said! I just hope that he realizes what he has done and is repentant and can someday return our money and seats, or send us a finished product.
