Need help

Started by Jack Penton, September 25, 2009, 02:36:02 PM

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Jack Penton

Hi folks I need your help and I haven't left much time.

I am looking for pictures taken at any of the 12 previous ISDT Reunions or would be of people that attended the RR.

What I hope some of you may have are pics of people talking, laughing, and enjoying themselves in the pits, at a check, in line at the port-a-potty, at the banquet...... you get the idea.

But here is the first priority, we have to be able to tell who they are. I want people to say look there I am or there is so and so. Shots close enough to shrink down to an inch and a half square and still be able to see something.

These don't need to be famous people just ones that love the Reunion ride.

The challenge is I need your help by this weekend. If you have pics you think may work please e-mail me thru the POG site.




Rosemary has TONS of pictures since ISDTRR 2000. I will ask her to look tonight.



Jack, hi,
email me at [email protected], i have several from Park Hills 2006, i can email them back to you, hope this helps,


Mike Gallagher, Camden County, NJ.
Mike Gallagher, NJ.
[email protected]