Bob Neruda Mr. December

Started by firstturn, December 10, 2009, 07:57:28 PM

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Neat picture Bob, and I really appreciate seeing the picture of the old Warrior on this Months POG Calender.  Neat 1973 250 Penton.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

Mike Lenz

Yea, lookin good Bob! Are you on here?


  How about a little history on the '73 250.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


Sorry guys, Bob doesn't use a computer and doesn't know how to use the internet. He leaves that up to his kids.

I received his POG renewal form last night at the POG meeting (by the way I didn't see you there last night - you missed a good time). On the bottom of the form he marked off that he wants his name listed in the membership directory, and next to where it asks for if you want your E-mail to be listed - he wrote: " I do not have E-mail, I live in a Van down by the river".

I called him this morning to talk to him about this. I thought that maybe he got in trouble with his wife again and had to move out of the house for a few days until things cooled down. Since he answered the phone, I knew that things were OK on the home front. I mentioned to him that he was the POG "poster boy" since his picture is on this month's calendar. His only regret about it is that he no longer has his favorite hat that he is wearing in the photo. It burnt up earlier this year when he rescued the 2 elderly ladies (down the street) when their house burned down.

He misses that hat. He told me it was given to him about 15 years ago by an elderly neighbor in his 90's. I told Bob that it was a golf hat, because it had the name Titlelist on it. Bob said that he doesn't know anything about golf except that if you ride anywhere near a golf course the Cops will appear and chase after you. But he still liked that hat.

So there you go guys. This month's calender is a keeper, because you will never again see Bob wearing that hat. And if you want to contact him, you will have to give him a call on the phone or look for him at the swap meets.

Alan Buehner
Alan Buehner


I just packed up a replacement Straw Hat for Bob Neruda, and it will ship out this afternoon.  It's NOT a golf hat, but maybe you will see it in the future.   Merry Christmas to Bob Neruda, and to ALL the POG members.    Nelson McCullough


Bob is a great guy and like some others on this site are going through some tough times.  Keep him in your thoughts and Prayers as our Country needs the Prayers too.  Thanks Nelson for taking care of the hat and Al thanks for checking up on Bob.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


Ditto on the great picture of Bob and his excellent Hare Scrambler.  Thanks to Randy Kirkbride for putting together this great calendar, year after year.  

About the pic of Bob - what great colors, the cool bike, and wonderful memories from the POG 40th Anniversary event, where the picture was taken.  Bob's relaxed grin says it all.


I talked to Bob Neruda yesterday morning and he told me that he received a surprise delivery the day before. He received a "new" hat from Nelson that has "Canada" printed on it. The hat fits and he thinks that it is "GREAT". Thanks Nelson.

Alan Buehner
Alan Buehner


The hat actually says "Canadair" on the headband, along with a pin of an airplane model.  Canadair is a line of Regional Jet Aircraft produced by Bombardier.  Yep, the same Bombardier that again produces ATV's, and 3 wheeled cycles, and used to make CanAm motorcycles.  Bob called me last night, and the first question I ask  "Does it Fit" ?    He said it did and seemed quite pleased.   I told him he could wear it proudly, because he will probably never come across another one like it.   We discussed his ordeal this past spring with the fire up the street and it sounded like a pretty heroic act to me finding those two ladies that were overcome out of the house, and losing his favorite hat in the process.   I'm pleased it has a good ending to it.     Nelson McCullough


Nelson, Bob and Al,
  You guys are all my heros.  Thanks for making the ending of this year such a positive note.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh