Inter-Am at New Philadelphia, Ohio

Started by Paul Danik, December 30, 2009, 11:47:31 PM

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Randy Kirkbride

Bill, Didn't we run some hare scrambles there, back in the day???

paul a. busick

Hi All,
 I just saw Dane L. And he pointed out to me that I had a typo concerning the Inter AM at New Philly.  I had it happening late Oct. of 58, as we all know it was late Oct. 1968.  My mistake. SORRY.

Randy, you are correct.  There were many Hare Scrambles run at Hugo's and at the KOK camp grounds which was just up the road behind Hugo's  property.  That was back in the day when we races all year round.  We were like the postman - neither rain,snow,ice,etc.,etc.could stop us back then. And I might add - that was before studded tires.

 I would also like to get in on the gathering at New Philly.  Paul D. are you going to be the setter upper?

 Also, since Paul Danik started it and because there are so many Pauls in the POG. I will be changing to my new AKA - Amherst Paul
 See you all down Old Dusty,
  Amherst Paul :D


Hey Randy & Paul,I`m sure we shared track time back then.My first race was a winter H.S. at The Farm.1971? It was COLD,at least 100 riders,and I think Ron Bohn won.   Bill  P.S. I was riding a 1968 Sherpa S.

Tim Grow

Paul and fellow readers, a bit of an update prior to the impending requiem.
The Mathias Rd. track, after inquiring with my client, will be "no more" sometime after the spring of 2010.  First, my client's partner, a member of the Kimble family in the Dover/New Philadelphia area purchased the entire property about a decade ago.  This spring the track will see dozer, excavator, and pan come to it and extract the remaining coal in the hill and also gravel; the Kimble's are in the aggregate-business as well as other commercial activities in the Dover/New Philly area.  My client, friend, and Suzuki-rider (don't take great offense) will indeed afford and arrange for a visit and a ride at the track on a Saturday or Sunday prior to the excavation.  One more big-thing, also, please!
My client, John Fondriest, also indicated shortly after the property was purchased he & his partner were looking for a storage building for some smaller machinery and ventured into the old Mathias clubhouse. John found the inside walls and building otherwise "stripped-clean" of a structure that he hadn't been in since 1976-76'. One plaque remained on the wall, high up near a ceiling-peek. John recalled it was sent to Hugo Mathias after a decidedly successful, or possibly unsuccessful group of Yamaha riders competed at the track in 1975. Yes, John sent a photo of the plaque but allow me to identify the names of riders which congratulates Mr. Mathias and signs-off with "Thank you, Those Damn Yamaha Riders, 1975"
Names: Steve Nash, George Sogan, Rob Herrington, Jim Roberts, Don Scott, Tony Skulas, Norman Dahlem, Ken Wells, and Al Norris.
John's two brothers (Mike and Jim) likely road at the track the day the day the Yamaha Riders competed.  He was maybe 12/13 years old but the two brothers his-senior by 3 & 5 years that may likely remember the day's results.  I sense the Yamaha-Team, with freshy minted YZ's, cleaned up.  If anyone can comment, John and his brothers would be interested.
Again, John will assemble a day in April and he will gladly allow for either a walk around or preferably, a ride.  I sense that's befitting.  I'll be booting-up.  Thanks, guys.  Tim

paul a. busick


That sounds like one FINE day at the old Hugo farm.  You can count on me being there -  if it doesn't conflict with an AHMRA event.

See you down Old Dusty,
Amherst Paul [:p]

Paul Danik

    Thanks for all the information.  We have a POG meeting tonight and this topic will most certainly be discussed, a number of the folks who attend the meetings were actively involved in the New Philly Inter-Am in 68, including John Penton. Who knows, we may possibly be able to find out who the non-pro Penton rider was who won the first moto, as you stated, Scandalous!
   Please pass along our sincere appreciation to the current property owners for allowing us to take a walk, or possibly ride, down memory lane before the property is forever changed. Once you have a date targeted for the get together please let us know.
