Team Races

Started by Paul Danik, January 19, 2010, 07:46:23 PM

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Paul Danik

Joe Novak....

I have Cycle News from December 17, 1974 in my hands, the story says that you and John Shinsky on 100cc Pentons came in 2nd in your class, at the Smith Road mudbath....4 hour team harescrambles.  121 teams signed up.  

It also states that Doug Wilford rode all by his lonesome for the entire 4 hours on his Hercules and took second in the 125 class.

Great job guys.. :)


Dale Fisher

Time for more pics from the past.  Four-hour enduro team race photos of the Fisher brothers...... Mom was never all that great on the focus and getting her finger off the lense :D

Dale Fisher

Former POG President,
Memberships, and Merchandising - Retired
Mudlark Registry

joe novak

Paul,  Could you please save that issue and maybe bring it to a POG meeting.   I would like to read the article, and photocopy it.  My daughter would cherish the article.  I remember that day.  It was a really wet, muddy, and cool day.  The reason I remember THAT day was because when we switched riders, I walked back to the truck in the pits, and someone demanded that I had to immediately move my truck so that they could leave early.  I reluctantly jumped in the truck all full of wet mud (which was actually my Dad's 1967 FORD F-250 truck which I borrowed to go to races) and moved it.  The next early morning, my dad woke up for work and when he went out to get in his truck, the front driver's seat was all full of mud.  My consequence was that I was not allowed to borrow the truck for the next week.  I accepted the consequence; never told him there was not a race next week, and then raced two weeks later.  Please don't tell Dad!  Joe

Paul Danik


   I will bring it to the next meeting. I spent last night going thru these issues which haven't seen the light of day in maybe 25 years, man they sure used thin paper . .:)  I saw your name several times along with many other POG folks.  I will be giving these to Al Born to look thru for use in his column in Still....Keeping Track, but they will be available for very careful viewing, did I mention how thin the paper is that they used :D I had to run the sweeper to pick up the tiny bits of paper from them after I was done.

  They run from late 1974 into mid-late 75, there are about 40 of them. There might be more containers of them still in the attic, but they will most likely be from earlier times.


   Love those pictures.



resurrecting this thread  (also posted this in another thread)

when I was around 11 or 12 yrs old / early 70's - I accompanied two neighbors to a buddy race in Grove City PA - Grove City marathon ... 4 hour buddy race I believe

I was the 'pit crew'' for my neighbors - I toted the fuel and tools etc to a check point area etc (?)

we were pitted next to Tom Penton - the famous Tom Penton of Penton motorcycles

we initially did not realize we were pitted next to Tom Penton - we pulled into an open spot next to a plain looking van if I recall correctly ... there might have been a small Penton sticker on a widow or body of the van ... not sure

when I walked near the van I spotted a note on a piece of paper that was taped to one of the van windows

can't recall the exact text on the note - but it stated it was Tom Penton and to wake him by a certain time ... apparently he was sleeping in the van

so I eagerly waited to wake Tom Penton ... can't recall if I woke him or he woke by himself - but I did get the chance to open the throttle a few times while he was finished with his gear as the bike warmed up

don't recall too much after that ... Tom Penton said very little

Tom Penton ran the race by himself - and I believe he won both his class and overall

Carl Hill

Chillicothe Enduro riders have a vintage team hare scrambles event every fall. They had a nice course this year

dennis brown

paul i think the starts at grove city 4 hour team race was dead engine,class start.i have a few pics of that race.

dennis l.brown
dennis l.brown

dennis brown

paul i think it was a dead engine start,by class.i have some pics of that race!there was a deep water hole , i have a pic of my friend bob garstenslager whos bike had quit he was trying to help ron bohn get his husky running on the other side of the water hole.

dennis l.brown
dennis l.brown

Tom Penton

I saw, on the first page of this post, a reference to "Smith Road Raceway, aka Singlar's" and immeadiately thought "Ah-Hah ... an excuse to post one of my most favorite pictures, Jeff, George, myself and Bob at an Amherst Meadowlarks TT. I don't specifically remember that race, but I do remember Jeff and I taking the KTM 100 to Singler's place and raced it on his track.

Tom Penton
Tom Penton

Tom Penton

I don't readily remember that PA Grove City event, I do recall riding a 4 hour marathon a couple years in a row, but I remember it as in Toledo area. Jack, Dane and I did ride a team event, but it was a road race at Nelson Ledges. The bench racing for that lasted for weeks!

Tom Penton
Tom Penton