POG meeting

Started by Paul Danik, March 01, 2010, 09:55:29 AM

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Paul Danik

Just a quick reminder that the March POG meeting has been pushed back one week because of Bike Week.  The meeting will take place on March 11,2010 at the KTM building in Amherst, Ohio.

Hope to see you there.


Doug Wilford

Meeting Time  7:00 PM

Paul Danik

Just a reminder that tonight is the night  :)  

Thursday March 11,2010, 7 pm............

See ya there,

Paul Danik

When Conrad and I pulled into the KTM campus for the POG meeting we were surprised to see a gentleman doing a bit of clean up work on a Sachs engine that was sitting on the tailgate of his truck.  As we neared I recognized the gentleman as being Dale Fisher, what a pleasant surprise. Dale had some of his awesome collection of Penton / ISDT memorabilia with him and we sure enjoyed seeing not only Dale but his collection as well. Dale was responsible for getting Jack Penton's 1970 ISDT engine back to him and Jack was finally able to thank Dale firsthand.

   The meeting was very well attended, one of the highlights of the meetings has been the "what's in your garage" segment.  This all started when Al Born made the statement to Joe Novack that he would like to see what all Joe had in his garage, we asked Joe to bring some "stuff" to the next meeting and do a "show and tell", when Joe was done we asked him to pick the person to do it for the next month and the popular segment has continued.  This month Jim Borer was on the hot seat.

   Jim sure did an awesome job of not only showing some interesting and entertaining items, but of also providing us with a bit of his motorcycling history which is very intertwined with the Penton Brothers Motorcycle Shop and the Amherst Medowlarks Motorcycle Club. Jim had quite an array if items, including receipts for many of the bikes and items that he bought at Penton Brothers as well as some very historic items of Meadowlark clothing, Jim even displayed an antique a corn planter:D

   Thank you Jim for the history lesson and for a job well done.

   The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday April 1st at the KTM building Amherst, Ohio.  I guess I better also mention that it will start at 7 PM :)  As always, you do not need to be a member to attend.


PS  Al Buehner is on the hot seat for "what's in your garage" for the April meeting, might be a late nite.....