Work load reduction

Started by Doug Wilford, May 15, 2010, 11:57:11 AM

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Doug Wilford

I have decided to cut back on some of my Sachs repair hobby.
I will continue to do (approved) 100 and 125 bottom ends only.
All work must be approved by me before shipping.  Call 440-988-2605 or e-mail  [email protected].
Cylinder and piston work will no longer be accepted or approved.  
The reasoning is I have been outsourcing this work and no longer feel confident enough to continue.  The equipment is getting old
I am hoping these changes will give me the extra time to do some  
work on personal projects.
Thanks go out to all Sachs and Pentonians for their business and friendships.
Thanks and Have Fun!
Doug Wilford

Steve Minor

Doug.....I'm sure I'm only one of many that thank you for all you've done to keep so many Sach powered bikes going. I'm proud to say I have a "Doug Wilford" motor. I hope you enjoy your newly found personal time...

As you've always ended your letters and emails....."Have Fun".

Steve Minor
Wilmington, NC
Steve Minor


  Thanks for all the Great engines you have built or helped me with over the years.  And thanks for all you have done for the early Success of Penton and the ISDT as a rider from the USA.  Your history of riding and Managing is Legendary and I like your engines too.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh



Thanks for the help with my 100 cc Sachs...I am forever runs like a champ.

Good luck with your new endeavors., best wishes, Victor

Dale Fisher

I highly value your knowledge and expertise and thank you for the work on my three engines.  I proudly display the "Doug Wilford GS Tuned" stickers on the Cheney and the Berkshire.  At such time I find or can afford a donor bike for the third (wish I could have got the mudlark for $200), it too will receive one.  In putting together some pictures for a noteable magazine (still hopeful they will feature) I made sure that in the detailed shots the sticker was viewable [8D]

Dale Fisher

Former POG President,
Memberships, and Merchandising - Retired
Mudlark Registry

Dave Mitchell

Doug,I ended up with Dale Walters Six Days with the engine you built in it.He always got a kick out of the fact you had the same initials yours stamped into the cases of course.When I bought it it was shortly after his accident and had very few hours on it.Well it has a few now and has performed flawlessly with plenty of snot I might add.Just lettin you know I'm wfo in the Pacific NW,straddling one of your powerplants.

Ernie Phillips


Thanks for all you have done for me and Christopher.  It took a while to get our act together, but with your help in building engines and tuning tips, we have the pleasure of racing peppy and reliable rigs.  Along the way, with your help and the POG, we learned how to build our own engines.  Thanks for all you do for the POG.   And, give our best to Dot!  -EP

Ernie P.
Chattanooga, TN
Ernie P.
Chattanooga, TN