Moto Retro Illustrated - you gotta check this out

Started by OhioTed, August 31, 2010, 07:55:18 AM

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Dear POG'ers,

This is an unabashed appeal on behalf of our motorcycling friend, Mitch Boehm, and his vintage motorcycle magazine, Moto Retro Illustrated.  

Many of you will remember Mitch from his eleven-some-year tenure as editor of Motorcyclist magazine, during which time he ran herd over a staff writing all about the latest and greatest bikes on the planet.  However, Mitch is and always has been hugely interested in vintage bikes.  It was his efforts then, which resulted in numerous, excellent, vintage-bike articles which appeared in Motorcyclist.

However, in an effort to further pursue his great passion, Mitch put it all on the line.  He parted with Motorcyclist, rounded up every dime he could get his hands on, and launched a brand-new magazine; Moto Retro Illustrated.

From the beginning, Mitch planned for MRI to be much more than your standard monthly motorcycle magazine.  To begin with, there is the extra-large format.  Plus, thick, glossy paper fills every issue.  And the photography - every shot worthy of framing.  And that's not to mention the content.  Mitch's lengthy involvement in the motorcycling sport and industry means that he knows just about everyone.  Result is, MRI comes packed with great stuff.  Check out the cover of the first issue.

Even if you're not a fan of street bikes and road racing, you've got to appreciate a racer the likes of Eddie Lawson, and the incredibly brutal Superbikes on which he competed, as featured in the article.  Eddie is an all-around racer as well, having cut his teeth in dirt track racing, and experienced great success in the wild Superbikers series.

In keeping with superstar racers and famous racing machines, issue #2 features the one and only Kenny Roberts.  

Kenny's incredible record of racing success speaks for itself, and this issue provides an excellent review of his accomplishments, as well as terrific insight into the man himself.

Still not convinced?  Well, check out issue #3.

This one is gold, folks.  Don't miss out.  In fact, each and every issue of Moto Retro Illustrated is a keeper.  These are more than magazines, guys and gals - they're books.  You'll definitely want to put 'em on the shelf for regular review of the fantastic pics and articles.  And, you never know - maybe someday you'll be able to offer 'em up on Ebay, for million$$$.

The books aren't cheap, but they're worth it - big time.  Mitch makes it easy to lay your hands on em, too.  Check out the following links to the MRI website, as well as subscription and back issue ordering info.

In these tough times, a lay-it-all-on-the-line guy like Mitch needs the support of his fellow motorcyclists.  The man has even put his house up in order to bring this fine book to us!  Show him your support by ordering up an issue or three, or a subscription, or better yet - both.  You'll be glad you did.   I may be accused of having a few screws loose, but I know a worthwhile deal when I see one.   Trust me.  Have I ever steered you wrong?  

                                  Your friend and mine,
                                  Ted Guthrie
                                  aka: OhioTed


Mitch had a set up at Mid Ohio, nice guy. He asked if I read the mag, I told him I got mine in the mail the day before I left for M/O. He stood up and shook my hand for being a subscriber, I thought that was kinda neet. I'm a definate long term reader.

Randy Kirkbride

Mitch sent me a personal email, thanking me for my subscription, when I ordered mine a few months back. How many editors would take the time to do that? Great magazine, too!

rob w

Quotequote:Originally posted by Randy Kirkbride

Mitch sent me a personal email, thanking me for my subscription, when I ordered mine a few months back. How many editors would take the time to do that? Great magazine, too!

As above - Same for me.
Probably the best money I spent at VMD this year.

Mark P

Ditto. Ditto.  I subscribe and purchased a subscription as a gift. The stories, writing, and pictures are first rate. I wish I would have known Mitch was at Ohio. I'd like to meet him someday and thank him for the great job.

Dale Fisher

I'm gathering by the grapevine that Cycle News has closed it's doors effective yesterday.  My understanding was they were in the middle of a move to a smaller facility but the last issue is the last issue. Another causalty in the summer of recovery....:(

1972 Cheney Sachs
? Coming Soon
1972 Suzuki GT380
1973 Triumph TR5MX
1974 Penton Berkshire
1974 Honda MT125
Dale Fisher

Former POG President,
Memberships, and Merchandising - Retired
Mudlark Registry


Hi Guys
Thanks for all the kind words re: Moto Retro. (Especially you, Ted! ;)
Hope you've all gotten a chance to see a copy. And for those who've subscribed, thanks!
I, too, have heard Cycle News is kaput, which is a shame. Of course, its absence may open up opportunities for someone else.
Hope y'all are having a great summer...

Lloyd Boland

Mitch, I have subscribed since the first issue and have enjoyed all the different aspects of the magazine.  I am not a street or road racing guy but really enjoyed the articles.  But I could put down the article about Westlake.  I grew up in the SF Valley and basically lived at Indian Dunes in the late 60's and early 70's, but never made it out to Westlake.  I now live in Moorpark and wish I had made it to some of the other tracks like Bay Mare, Westlake, Tapo Canyon, etc.  I did race Muntz Moorpark several times.

I have raced with Mitch a few times with the ARX guys and can say Mitch truly is a down to earth, straight forward guy.  No ego, etc.

Mitch it has been a pleasure and I will continue to read and subscribe, and try to endorse your magazine whenever I can.

Keep up the good work.




As of 5:36 PM Pacific Coast Time today, Cycle News web site was still up and running.  I couldn't find any info about them shuting down.




I gotta subscribe.  Mitch has been at some of our ARX race's and Lloyd is correct. hella nice guy and I was reading his new mag at 1 race.  Really like it.


72 six-day
79 KTM MC80 250
72 six-day
79 KTM MC80 250


My friend and I both subscribed at Mid Ohio, the books are great! Nice job Mitch!

Thanks for putting out a book for this community, for guys like me that missed many of the glory days (born in 69) its the only way to really "re-live" the past.



Great magazine. excellent quality, superb content and a very fair price. I encourage everyone to subscribe and enjoy Mitchs endeavors.

Bill Cappel

tooclose racing

Finally subscribed - I think it's the Cycle News development that got me off my a___.  Of course, I could have been subscribing to CN all along too.  

CN has (had) to be a tough magazine - or newspaper -  model to make work in today's environment, but I have no idea what the specifics were of their shutting down.  Or any idea how this business works for that matter.  ;)

I wonder if it could be re-invented as a pure E-zine or go monthy or what. The Op-Eds for the other mags in next month or so may a good read if they decide to weigh in.


I wish to keep this rolling, folks.  There is so much cool stuff in Moto Retro Illustrated, it just blows your mind.  In the first issue alone:  Jeff Ward reminiscing, along with classic picks from his Flying Freckle days.  A feature on Darryl Bassani!  Team Honda pictures, taken at the 1973 Unadilla mx!  Awesome!!!  A feature article on the origins of the monoshock design!  Amazing photos and story on Tom White's incredible vintage bike collection!  Full coverage of Unadilla '75, with classic black & white photographs - every one a keeper!  A fantastic story on American Honda's beginings!  A great feature on classic Hodakas!  

And, this is just the dirt bike stuff!  Lots of other cool articles and features, such as a chronicle of Mitch's tour of old Route 66, on board a first-gen 750 Honda.  Awesome stuff.  And that's just the first issue!!!!

You will not find another magazine packed with so much material, so much great reading, and so many fine, historical photos.  Don't miss out, folks.  It's like I said before - these are not just magazines, they are books.  You want 'em.  You need 'em.  Don't miss out.  You'll thank me later.  

Chow, baby.