POG at Will Stoner swapmeet this Sunday

Started by Paul Danik, November 04, 2010, 01:35:44 PM

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Paul Danik


  Just to update you folks, we will be setting up a POG booth/display in the spot that Will Stoner has graciously provided for us at his swapmmet this Sunday in Medina, Ohio.  I understand that the Ohio Valley BSA boys will be setting their club display next to us, what great neighbors we will have. I haven't heard from the Hodaka guys yet...

   To me these events are are great way to visit with friends and possibly do a bit of business at the same time.   Will says that he has a good number of the inside spaces sold, looks to be a great event.

  We plan on having a couple of Pentons in the bike show as well as in the display, if you have room bring a bike for the show.
