Home Page Photo Quiz - November 2010

Started by Admin, November 23, 2010, 02:39:48 PM

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Ron Carbaugh


My guess is Bob Wardlow ??

Dave McCullough


i don't know but the rider looks kind of lanky and loose,
reminds me of Young Ted
my guess ??

Mike Gallagher, NJ.
Mike Gallagher, NJ.
[email protected]

Ernie Phillips

I think its Cyrus McCormick's brother, Leaner.  While everyone knows Cyrus as the inventor the horse drawn reaper, few people know that Leaner invented the motorized hay rake.  As can be seen in this early photo, the hay did not go where desired.

Ernie P.
Chattanooga, TN
Ernie P.
Chattanooga, TN


I'm thinking Leroy Winters is the rider.   Nelson McCullough


are you hitting the Moonshine a little early this Thanksgiving eve - LOL -

yes the hay is a bit disorganized !!

have a great Holiday and tell Christopher i said hi,


Quotequote:Originally posted by Ernie Phillips

I think its Cyrus McCormick's brother, Leaner.  While everyone knows Cyrus as the inventor the horse drawn reaper, few people know that Leaner invented the motorized hay rake.  As can be seen in this early photo, the hay did not go where desired.

Ernie P.
Chattanooga, TN

Mike Gallagher, NJ.
Mike Gallagher, NJ.
[email protected]


OK guys, here's a little hint. :)

Here's a quote from the home page mystery rider himself:

"The rider is wearing a pair of the very first few sets of Alpine Star motocross boots (with ISDT on the diamonds of the boots) that John hand carried over on the plane from Italy back in 1970."

Mike OReilly

Dane Leimbach?
The goggles look a little like the Barrufaldi's (sp?) that he used to favour.

Mick Milakovic



Ok guys, here's another little hint. [8D]

He was at last month's POG meeting and should be at the December Family Night meeting.

joe novak

That is a great clue!  Although, everyone who was at last month's POG meeting should be at the December Family Night meeting, and hopefully will be there.  There were several special guests at last months's meeting who were motorcycle racers associated with Penton/KTM: Barry Higgins and Mike Rosso.  I can only guess that it was Mike Rosso who was the recipient of the Alpine Star MX boots delivered by John Penton.   Could Mike Rosso be the mystery rider?   That's right; you did ask us to "guess".  Joe  p.s. I also agree with Mike OReilly.  The rider does look like Dane Leimbach.


Hi Joe,
You hit the nail on the head.  It is Mike Rosso. This image came about due to Art Busick and I being invited back to Mike's office at KTM after last month's POG meeting to see pictures of his latest Mopar acquisition.  While going though other images on his computer, he showed us this one which I immediately said would be a great home page photo.  Karen is in the process of getting Mike registered for the board so he can reply to this thread and shed some more light on this image.

You might want to come to the December Family Night meeting because POG has Mike doing "What's In Your Garage".


rob w

The first thing that struck me about this picture, was how cool his clothing was. Head to toe, as trick as you could look at the time. Awesome picture, thanks Mike, Bill, Karen.