Prices sure have gone up!

Started by Britt Boyette, December 12, 2010, 10:45:05 PM

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Quotequote:Originally posted by t20sl

Taxes are what keeps this country running.  I am not for more paperwork, small and large business already have more than enough.  If we could simplify the tax codes we would not need all the IRS agents.  I have no problem with sales tax being collected on internet transactions.  Come on, we pay taxes on everything we buy in a store why should internet sales be banned?  Make it simple though, let Ebay collect and report it, after all they are profiting from the transactions.  
When you cheat, you are just saying your not willing to completely support this country financially.  Why over 20K, why not all sales?

Ok guys let fly!
Ted Atkinson

 Hog wash, if you had to sit and write that tax check every 1/4 or every year your view would be a bit different. What they (the media and Government) do is convince people that those evil rich people are getting money given to them by extending the Bush era tax rates because they are "not paid for" WTF? It is our money first until we are extorted out of it "for the common good", funny lots of people are in jail for the same activity only it was called racketeering for private folk. Social Secrurity is nothing more than a scheme like Bernie Mahdoff pulled, he's doing 150 years, the federal government is now thinking up more ways to tax (rob) us by way of using force under the tax codes to make us buy healthcare?  
 One last thing, those evil rich people that are wrecking the county by making money are the ones that hire people, not some guy making 20k a year and living on Government cheese.

Cut income taxes or use flat taxes, freeze and cut Government spending 10% across the board and the budget is balanced by 2018.

Quote: Thomas Jefferson, We are all born ignorant, some work to remain that way.
 Quote:Peter Villacaro, "it is impossible to teach those that wish not to be taught".
Quote: Thomas Jefferson, We are all born ignorant, some work to remain that way.
 Quote:Peter Villacaro, \\"it is impossible to teach those that wish not to be taught\\".

Gordon Brennan