Huge Thanks

Started by bbeck3100, May 13, 2011, 12:33:10 PM

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Many, many thanks to Paul Danik, who took my Six Day front # plate to the May POG meeting and had John Penton sign it. It looks great, and I can't thank Paul and Mr. Penton enough.

Carroll Shelby charges up to $250.00 for his signature (to be fair, the proceeds go to his heart foundation) but I'd rather have John Penton's autograph any day.......

Thanks Again
Blair Beck

dennis foley

blair, when are we going to some pics.

Paul Danik


   It was the least we could do to help you put the finishing touch on your Six-Day project.  John and the rest of the folks at the POG meeting all enjoyed hearing the story of how you acquired your first Penton as I relayed it to them.  Those stories are very, very special, thank you for sharing it. It was also very gracious of you to send the POG a donation, it will help us to continue to full-fill  our mission.

    Blair was going to show his Six-Day this weekend at The Quail Motorcycle Gathering in Carmel, California. As I watched the video on their website I sure wished I could have personally delivered that numberplate and joined Blair for the day :)  Check out the website for The Gathering and be sure to view the video part way down the homepage and you will see what I mean.

   Good luck Blair, and please let us know how the show went. Thanks for showing your Penton and representing the marque.


Paul Danik


   It was the least we could do to help you put the finishing touch on your Six-Day project.  John and the rest of the folks at the POG meeting all enjoyed hearing the story of how you acquired your first Penton as I relayed it to them.  Those stories are very, very special, thank you for sharing it. It was also very gracious of you to send the POG a donation, it will help us to continue to full-fill  our mission.

    Blair was going to show his Six-Day this weekend at The Quail Motorcycle Gathering in Carmel, California. As I watched the video on their website I sure wished I could have personally delivered that numberplate and joined Blair for the day :)  Check out the website for The Gathering and be sure to view the video part way down the homepage and you will see what I mean.

   Good luck Blair, and please let us know how the show went. Thanks for showing your Penton and representing the marque.


Paul Danik


Blair Beck and his CMF 125 Penton won the competition class at The Quail Motorcycle Gathering in Carmel, California over the weekend. I hope that Blair will chime in and tell us about the show, maybe we can even get him to post a picture of the winning machine......

If you watched the video on The Quail Motorcycle Gathering website you know that winning his class surely wasn't a walk in the park.

Congratulations Blair....



The Quail gathering was truly a day of days for me. It proved one thing for sure; people love Pentons. There was a crowd around the bike most of the day. Winning a trophy was fun, but the absolute highlight of the whole day was meeting Fred Hayes of Mettco fame. He was there with his diesel powered bike and won a trophy for best mileage on the previous day's ride. What a kind and gracious man he is. Meeting him meant so much to me because I had a 72 CMF when I was 16 as did many of my friends. We all subscribed to Cycle News and read every week of the exploits of Chuck Bower, Danny LaPorte et al and man, we all wanted to be fast like they were. Most of all, we wanted a Mettco jersey, but only team riders had those. One friend even went so far as to have his Mom make a very unreasonable facsimile. Since we raced only local races in the Tahoe-Carson City area, I'm sure no one connected with Mettco ever saw it. I don't know whether they would have been angry or just laughed.
  Anyway, the event is truly wonderful and my thanks again to Paul Danik and of course John Penton for signing my front plate.