New knee

Started by Dave Withrow, May 17, 2012, 09:22:03 AM

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Dave Withrow

Time...30yrs of mx have all contributed to my knee being barely solidified jello.  The result is a knee replacement in sept.  I have seen posts about riding both pro and con.  I guess my question is should I even try to ride after the joint is replaced?  Any advice is appreciated.
Big Dave


dave boydstun who owns ams racing in arizona had both of his replaced 3 or 4 years ago. i know that he has raced pretty succesfully since then with no issues. i'll ask him again how that has worked out.
 chi jer


John Penton had both knees replaced twice.

The first generation knees would only bend around 90 degrees. This was one of the reasons why he gave up riding motorcycles. He couldn't bend his knees enough to get his leg up over the seat.

His second generation knees bend more than the first generation giving him more flexability. He was experiencing a lot of discomfort (pain) for several weeks after the operation and was talking about having the doctor redo the operation. It turn out that John was being too active and was not allowing the legs to heal. It was one of the few times that John "followed" the doctor's orders and took it easy. Since that time (I think it was a couple of years ago) I have not heard him complain about them.

I think that John would recommend that you have the operation.
I would recommend that you talk to the surgeon who would be doing the procedure. Make sure that he has a lot of experience in knee replacements and has seen the x-rays of your legs. Pay attention to your "gut" feeling when talking to the surgeon. If you do not "feel" confidence in him - find another surgeon that you can trust.

Some facts that I have learned from my conversations with John and his knees: You will have restrictions in the movements of your artificial knees (talk to the doctor about what they will be with the type of artificial knee he will be using). If you do not exercise the new knees (after you are healed up) the tendons and ligaments will gradually stiffen up causing less bending of your knees (talk to your doctor about this also).

Alan Buehner
Alan Buehner

Dwight Rudder

John Fero has 2 artificial knees and rides and races all the time.


Another rider who has had both knees replaced while in his 70's, is Speedy Clasen.  Try keeping up with him in vintage races in the woods or on a MX track.

For his age, he is the most impressive rider I know.




I had 1 replaced in 1999 the other 1 in 2003. Both work great don't race much anymore but still do the Vintage 2 days now & then. Rode alot of Colorado 500's until recently with the replacements. Getting ready for MTRA's 2 day in June. Buy very good (fitted) knee braces & always wear them. The replacements are better than the originals no pain. Good luck

Bob Jones
Show-me state
(2)74 Harescramblers,72 Jackpiner,68/69 6-Day,73 Harescrambler.

Bob Jones
Show-me state
(2)74 Harescramblers,72 Jackpiner,68/69 6-Day,73 Harescrambler.

Jeff D

I think Jim Hollander had an extensive thread going on knee replacement stuff a while back, didn't he?  I was going to mention Speedy but got beaten to the draw...which is most often what Speedy's opponents find out when they try to keep up with him!  
Didn't know you were a FF, Dave...where?  I had two ACL replacements while I was in the fire service, came back from surgery both times in less than 8 weeks, wore the braces for a while, but have had no problems at all since.  Not the same as a replacement, but knee surgery just the same.  I'd say go for it, bro!

Jeff DeBell
Jeff DeBell

Dave Withrow

Thanks for the replies.....I have been expecting this for awhile and trying to sidestep but it is time.  Knowing John, Speedy, and others have gone through the procedure helps in the decision making process.
 Jeff, I've been on the Champaign Fire Dept for 20 yrs and an Acadeny instructor for the U of I fire academy for 15 yrs.  I usually heal pretty fast and expect this to take a bit but I'm ready.........BRING IT.