Started by Jeff D, October 28, 2012, 11:16:48 PM

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Jeff D

Breaking news...pack your bags for New England next year gang!  A Dalton Reunion Ride is a sure enough thing for us to start seriously planning for it now.  Tentative dates are the weekend BEFORE Labor Day, like the last weekend in August.  Yup, a lot earlier than normal, but ya gotta dance with the partner the state politicians throw at you.  Steve Erickson and his gang up there have put in a lot of hard work and time to bring this to fruition for us.  I'll post more details the moment I know 'em, but for now I'm planning on seeing you in Dalton next August!

Jeff DeBell
Jeff DeBell

Steve Minor

Oh that's great news Jeff....I had a blast in 2003 and hoped the 2013 would be in Dalton too....I'll start prepping the 72 Six Day!

Steve Minor
Wilmington, NC
1972 Six Day
1977 125 GS6
1977 400 GS6
1978 400 MC5
Steve Minor

Dwight Rudder

Would that be the weekend of the 31st or the 24th ?  I hope not the 24th.

brian kirby

31st is Labor Day weekend so I'm guessing the 24th.

Also, I heard that the bikes will have to be like the real deal, lights must work and they must be street legal and tagged because of local issues. This is not an insurmountable problem and we have almost a year to get ready.


Jeff D

I haven't looked at the calendar, but if Brian says Labor Day is the 31st, I'll take his word for it and assume the 24th is our weekend.  I will find out more about the street legal issue, but for now I understand that the bikes must be legally registered or at least have the appearance of being so (enough so as not to attract the attention of the local constabulary!) and sporting a current license plate.  
I would also highly recommend a working and very effective silencer as New England has had strict sound tests at their events for decades.  In short, the more we can do as a group to make the public and local/state government happy to have us there, the better it is for all riders.

Jeff DeBell
Jeff DeBell

brian kirby

Well, Labor Day is the 2nd, but the 31st is the Saturday of Labor Day weekend, so I was assuming you meant the weekend before, which that would put the race weekend the 24th and 25th.

I hadnt thought of sound, but that can be a problem with the older bikes. Might be a lot of rubber stuffed in the cylinder fins at the start that "fall off" on the trail. :D


Dwight Rudder

If it is the weekend of the 24th & 25th then I will be in Wisconsin at Company meetings. Not likely that I can talk my way out of attending that function. If it happens to be the weekend of Aug 31- Sept 1, then I can attend. Why must this event be held in Aug ? End of Sept would be much better weather wise.

Jeff D

The August date is what the club has to work with for a couple of different reasons.  We just gotta play with the hand we're dealt and I'll leave it at that. Tell your boss to let you bring a semi full of parts and displays to Dalton!

Jeff DeBell
Jeff DeBell

brian kirby

Exactly, have the meeting in Bawston or somewhere nearby. The is the 40th anniversary of one of the watershed events in American off road racing.


Dwight Rudder

Not likely for the largest aftermarket distributor in the world. They have already booked the convention center in Madison, Wi.

steve erickson

Well,10 years sure have gone fast,haven't they?

I'm pretty darn confident that the Pathfinders M/C and I will be seeing you again next year in Massachusetts for the 2013 ISDTRR.
We have been working with the MA Dept of Conservation and Recreation since last December. The mission to allow us and ORV's back into the closed Savoy State Forest seems to be a success after my last meeting a couple of weeks ago.
I'd like to explain the timing of the event. Aug 24 and 25 is our reserved date on the NETRA calendar,so I know there will be no conflict with another event up here. I also have mid September as a back up date, but I don't know of impending conflicts on the upcoming NETRA schedule (our sanction meeting is on 12/2/12). The DCR folks were a bit hesitant about a October weekend,if you remember the cold and rain in '03, well,it could have snowed that weekend as well. The DCR liked the fact we chose the dry season.
The DCR has asked that the bike requirements that we put in place for '03, be a rule for '13 as well. We will again be running on dirt/tar town roads to get to trail sections. Reopening a closed state forest is something I didn't think would happen, so we have to be good guests and play by their rules. Also, the forest is closed again after we are done, so please don't re-ride the route sheet after the event!
I'll pop in here and comment as much as possible, but I'm sure Jeff D and others will be keeping you informed.

We hope to meet or beat our 2003 effort. I hope to see you there!

Steve Erickson - Trail Boss (again!!):D
Pathfinders M/C

Jeff D

THANK YOU Steve, and the rest of your cohorts who have been working so long and hard to make this happen.  That the state is opening Savoy State Forest up to us after 10 years of closure is truly amazing...a first in New England and a testament to your devotion to this project.
As noted, this area is open to us ONLY FOR THE WEEKEND, so do not arrive or stay late early planning to trail ride with your pals.  We do need to put our best foot forward and leave a great impression with the state folks, not just to justify Steve and the Pathfinders hard work, but to leave the door open for other New England clubs when dealing with the state officials.  We should be an example of how to do it the right, honest and responsible way.  We're all big boys and know the rules, so please let's play by them.
Having gotten that off my chest, it looks like there will be a chance to do some dual-sport riding on Thursday preceding the Reunion Ride.  The Stateline Trailriders have offered their services to hold an AMA-sanctioned Dual Sport Ride for those arriving early and wishing to partake of the local flavor.  Early ideas include routing the course past some sites and sights of historical significance from the 1973 ISDT and a trip over the mountains to stately Strictly Hodaka manor near Sandgate, Vermont for an open house and cookout.  
For those wanting to arrive earlier and stay late, there are countless touring and dual sport opportunities in the area using dirt and paved town roads.  There is also trail riding available over near the Strictly Hodaka compound which will require travelling away from the Dalton site.  
We'll post details, etc., here as plans come together.  One last time, please remember that it is imperative for this event and future New England events that we set a shining example that all can be proud of.  A lot of eyes will be on us, and not just because we're cool guys who love the ISDT!  Can't wait til 2013!!!

Jeff DeBell
Jeff DeBell

rob w

Hi, Would this event again be based out of Jim Hoellerich's farm ? Thanks for your efforts. Looking forward to making it again, as I did 10 years ago.

Jeff D

Rob, yes the Reunion Ride will be at Jim Hoellerich's farm just like 2003.  Jim is personally very excited to be part of this anniversary weekend.  His on-site enduro/ISDT museum is not to be missed!
On one of the other vintage sites, there is concerned speculation that the ISDTRR will be replaced by a dual-sport ride.  Not true.  Here's the story so far:
The Reunion Ride will go on as scheduled just like it has in years past...Saturday and Sunday on the trails and grasstrack.
The Stateline Trailriders have traditionally held an annual dual sport event the same weekend that the ISDTRR is scheduled in 2013.  They have graciously offered to move their event from the weekend to the Thursday before the ISDTRR.  This gives riders arriving in the area early an additional opportunity to ride and experience the local flavor.  This will be an AMA-sanctioned dual sport event and will be totally seperate from the Reunion Ride.  There will be a modest entry fee to cover the AMA sanctioning and insurance fees.  
I personally hope that this is a huge success.  I already look forward to just the Saturday and Sunday part of the Reunion Ride, but having the option to come on Thursday, do some local riding, and then hang out with friends on Friday sounds like a wonderful way to spend 4 days, don't you think?
Looking at the future, a lot will depend on each sponsoring club's locale and manpower in determining if they are willing to (or even can) hold a dual sport, but it adds another option to the Reunion Ride weekend.  In this case, the Stateline Trailriders have jumped in and offered to do this for us.  Remember, many of their senior riders worked at and spectated the 1973 Dalton event, and they would be completely happy with just hanging out all weekend and enjoying the festivities...but they put this on the table and their generous offer seems like the perfect addition for 2013.  Many riders will be coming a long distance to this event, and a couple of days of R & R before the ISDTRR seems like a perfect plan.
As more details develop, they'll be posted here.  As for me, I'm already scheming on how to get to Dalton by Thursday!

Jeff DeBell
Jeff DeBell


Is there a sign up web page yet for the 2013 ISDT reunion ride in Massachusetts?

James Hollander
James Hollander