Tulsa ISDTRR pictures

Started by brian kirby, November 10, 2012, 09:10:16 PM

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brian kirby


Mick Milakovic

Thanks Brian, made me feel like I was there.  Any video coming?


brian kirby

No video, my camera wouldnt work in the cold. Its too bad to because the tests were VERY fast, there were extended sections where I was topped out in 6th gear in the test sections. It would have been fun video to watch.



Quotequote:Originally posted by brian kirby

No video, my camera wouldnt work in the cold. Its too bad to because the tests were VERY fast, there were extended sections where I was topped out in 6th gear in the test sections. It would have been fun video to watch.

Thanks for the pics Brian!

I know what you mean, I had my YZ465 wide open in top gear on some of those special test sections thinking; "Oh baby, let's not make a mistake now".  Then I'd blow through a corner and go dancing with those Zink Ranch pebbles.  Stuff comes up fast, don't it?

Pete Petrick
175 Jackpiner
Slow but Good
Pete Petrick
175 Jackpiner
Slow but Good

brian kirby

I overshot two corners in test 1 day 1, dropped almost a minute, and basically lost the race right there. I needed to make up time on my competition day 2 so I really threw caution to the wind and just left it wide open over blind hills and corners. In the first test day 2 (it was the first test both days) when we started next to the fence, when away, then came back to the fence, that whole section down the hill next to the fence after we came back too it I was WFO in 6th. About half way down there was a big bump/round rock and I must have flown 30yds when I hit it. I ran that test 52 seconds faster day 2 than I did on day 1 when I overshot the corners and stalled once. Then in the second test day 2, there were long sections where we weaved back and forth in 5th-6th with blind corners and hills.

I think the two terrain tests on day 2 are the best I have ridden in my entire life, sure wish I had helmet cam of it.


paul a. busick

Hi Brian,
  Many thanks for posting the pictures.  Plus a really BIG thanks to your mom for taking the time and energy to be everwhere at once to take them all.  I know that she loves to be the press lady,but it still takes all of her day and then some.  Thanks again Mrs K.  We'll see you down Old Dusty.
Amherst Paul :D

Justin Weiss

Thanks for the pictures Brian!

Here is about 10 minutes of my video footage of the XC race.

and in case you missed it in the other thread, here is some footage of the MX track.

brian kirby

Cool videos! Seeing yours makes me even more upset my camera didnt work.



Great videos Justin. The only thing I missed seeing were the cows!