A engine wiseco piston P/N

Started by Fred Deagostino, February 12, 2013, 11:28:51 AM

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  I remember the saying.....as far as the Wiseco, I have had to build engines with them and I have just drilled a oil(ing) hole on the exhaust side if the exhaust port had a bridge and sometimes I drilled two if they didn't have bridge.  The thing about the oil today it is so much better than what we had way back when that if you break the engine in properly and run good gas and oil you shouldn't have any problems.  But I salute you for being careful and thorough.  It is nice to see and hear in this day of throw engines and together and pray for the best?

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


Take uncle Wan,s advice, do drill a small hole in the piston to cover the bridge, did mine 2mm below the bottom ring....adios, Tom Brosius
Thomas Brosius

Fred Deagostino

Ron, thanks for the pat on the head. It's appreciated. The nit picking stuff does wear a body down but it's bloody well better than having to redo everything after the hand grenade goes off.
I'm liking the idea of the Oil hole too.
 And, since you'd mentioned the quality of the new oils etc. That got me wondering if the full or semi-synthetics are of any use (after break in) in the old Sachs engines. I gave semi synthetic a try in my '68 Flatside shovel Harley and the thing had blood running out of it's eye sockets in short order but that's a crudely engineered thing compared to the Sachs. Just curious on that one. Collective thoughts?     Fred

V416 OneMoreTime
V416 OneMoreTime


  Well since you opened up the can of worms (the subject of oil), I will tell you I use a full synthetic because I have used Mobil one in all my vehicles since it came out (I worked for Mobil Oil for 10 years and know a lot of the old Engineers).  The oil I use for all my two stroke engines is Stihl chain saw oil.  You can buy it in small bottles that mox for one gallon of gas....and since the gas we have today is so poor I rarely mix more that a gallon or two at a time unless I am mixing racing gas/and or fuel.  People can argue till the cows come home, but just ask Lumberjacks that run these saws all day long at 10.000 RPMs and how few of oiling failures they have?  Fred, have fun with your Sachs and as far as your Harley I still run 30 WT High Detergent in the one I keep up for a Friend for the same reason.....and I just am not going to rebuild another Harley!

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


Back in 68 or 69, Mike Lewis Honda, (now Lewis KTM, Lawton OK) started selling a product called Polyoxide Oil.  It was in a clear plastic 1qt bottle and was bright red in color. The people that worked there swore by it. It was a 100% synthetic oil. They talked me into trying it and I will tell you that you could pull the head after 6 or 8 races and just wipe the head and top of the piston completely clean with one swipe. Have only used synthetic ever since.

Donny Smith
Paragould, AR
Donny Smith
Paragould, AR

Fred Deagostino

I'm actually a big fan of synthetics myself. 'Just thought I'd do a sanity check on the Sachs application. You never know what some old motors like and don't like. I've had two old tractors that had leather seals in the motors and needed non-det. oil only. I rebuilt a straight eight Packard about 5 yrs. ago and it uses wooden wedges for the rear main seal so that one gets plain old straight 30W. The Overdrive unit in that car must have strictly mineral based oil or it'll wipe out the bushings in the unit. Stuff like that keeps you leery about lubricants for vintage stuff. 'Cheaper to ask than to experiment.:D

V416 OneMoreTime
V416 OneMoreTime

Fred Deagostino

Jake (Fischer Competition Cycle) came thru with a 54.5 Mahle complete piston kit so I'm finally off the hook re: the missing piston problem (Oh Happy Day)!  He has other over sizes in stock too. Another good guy to deal with from the suppliers list.
 Way back in '91 when I first got V416 back I'd ordered some parts from him including a shift key. He sent me an extra one with instructions on the invoice that said I should "sleep with it". I still have that extra OEM key. [8D]
 I'll no doubt have a question or two about the piston oil hole size etc. when I get everything back from the machine shop. In the meantime sincere thanks again for everyone's prior inputs.              Cheers, Fred

V416 OneMoreTime
V416 OneMoreTime


  Jake is the best and was one of the Best Riders of all times in my Book.  He is a walking encyclopedia of knowledge and a Great Person.  He did the same for me with a shift key when we couldn't find them.....I have never forgot the Favor.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

Fred Deagostino

Jake (Fischer Competition Cycle) came thru with a 54.5 Mahle complete piston kit so I'm finally off the hook re: the missing piston problem (Oh Happy Day)!  He has other over sizes in stock too. Another good guy to deal with from the suppliers list.
 Way back in '91 when I first got V416 back I'd ordered some parts from him including a shift key. He sent me an extra one with instructions on the invoice that said I should "sleep with it". I still have that extra OEM key. [8D]
 I'll no doubt have a question or two about the piston oil hole size etc. when I get everything back from the machine shop. In the meantime sincere thanks again for everyone's prior inputs.              Cheers, Fred

V416 OneMoreTime
V416 OneMoreTime


  Jake is the best and was one of the Best Riders of all times in my Book.  He is a walking encyclopedia of knowledge and a Great Person.  He did the same for me with a shift key when we couldn't find them.....I have never forgot the Favor.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

Fred Deagostino

Gent's re: that oil hole. What approx. size should that be? I'm sure there are different opinions and I'm hoping to not start a 'head butt' on the issue, but some input would be appreciated.
 You're collective thoughts? Thanks in advance, Fred

V416 OneMoreTime
V416 OneMoreTime

Fred Deagostino

I haven't heard anything back on the size of that oil hole as of yet but in the meantime it's occurred to me that maybe the Mahle piston doesn't need one as opposed to the Wiseco's. 'Just wondering if there's any merit to that thought. If it's going to be done, now's the time for me to do it. A pm is fine if lengthy online debates are an issue. [email protected]
 Ron, going back to the Jake Fischer topic, the guy just did me another good turn. 'Good one too.
 It seems if Al, Terry, or Jake don't have it, you ain't gonna get it!
All of them will (and have) dug through little boxes and drawers to find me stuff. Cool.    Cheers Fred

V416 OneMoreTime
V416 OneMoreTime


I can not remember for positive sure but does a 125 Sachs even have a bridged exhaust port?  I do not think iron or aluminum cylindered Sachs 125 or 100s had the bridge so no need for oil hole Fred.


  I just drill a small hole....I think that the size was what we used to use for the early Elsinore 125 bikes?

  I just drill holes in the pistons (Non-Mahle) to help lubricate on the exhaust side.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


The instructions for the drilling state 2 holes (.060-.090") .375" apart and starting .300" below the bottom ring. As Ted stated this is for a cylinder with an exhaust bridge. I have no exhaust bridge- drilled no holes - and is running fine...after correcting a timing issue. Good luck! Harry