
Started by Fortek, April 01, 2013, 03:20:53 PM

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I joined in 2007, but never posted. Found
V3786 in my neighbors yard in 1985. They gave it
To me. Wanted one when I was 15 (1970)
But did not get one, that's why I took it.
I have collected 90% of the parts and I will now start
To restore it. Need a few things and will post
Later with requests.  
Steve Herron


  This is a great story.  I hope we can help you.  You have the patience of a should have raced Moto Cross.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


I did 100cc motocross at Indian Dunes
On a Honda SL 100 in '71, along with
A couple of desert scrambles. It was the only bike
I could convince my mother to help me buy as we
Could finance it. Had fun and never lost the
Bug. I vintage raced a 1st year formula
Vee and Devin Porsche in the late 90's
I have no collector cars anymore so the return
Of interest to the Penton,  Steve