POG Website and Message Board Moves to New Server

Started by Admin, April 05, 2013, 09:43:18 PM

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Hi everyone,
Just wanted to let you know that the Penton website and message board will be moving to a new server within a few days.  Our current hosting provider is going out of business.

During this move, the website and message board will be unavailable anywhere from 2-48 hours.  And after it does come back up, website pages may not display correctly until we can tweak the code to run on the new server.  The message board may be shut down 2-48 hours also. (Sorry guys...:()

Thank you for your patience and understanding in this matter,
Karen & Bill

Al Martin

Thank you Karen for all the work you are doing to change everything over. With out you & Bill this website wouldn't be the top notch site that we have today.
Thanks again
Al Martin

Mike Schulz

Thanks for all your hard work Bill and Karen! It is appreciated!
Mike and Karen Schulz


Thank you Bill and Karen. I'm sure we all can live with what is to us a minor inconvenience, and to you guys a lot of work. Thanks for all you do. I know I'm guilty of enjoying this great webpage without thinking of how it happens to be here. Thanks again. Hank

Hank Rinehart
Hank Rinehart


Website and message board going down within the hour.  The website will come back first but will need to be tweaked to run correctly on the new server.  The message board will be down for most of the day.  If things go well, it could be back up by this evening or tomorrow.

Thanks for your patience and understanding in this manner,
Karen & Bill