
Started by Dale Sonnenschein, May 28, 2013, 01:14:12 PM

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brian kirby

I hurt both my knees at the same time in March 2010. I basically hurt them every time I race, its just a matter of which one and how bad. Normally it takes 3-4 days and they are OK, but for some reason this time it didnt feel that bad at Diamond Dons, but its taken 6 weeks before they felt normal again.

I probably could race Unadilla, but I'm not 100% sure, and I dont want to drive 16 hrs only to find out they are not ready. Plus, I want to be healthy for the Reunion Ride in August. Knees will be good to go for the ISDTRR.


jeff greenberg

Brian, you still have your ACL's  in tact?

tooclose racing

I'll be there with the 76 MC5 250 to run PVXC and PVMX - sure hope it stops raining between now and then.  We've had a boatload of it for last few days.

Brian - bummer to hear about your knees - I guess my thinking would be the longer view if you want to do this for a lot of years.  Knees are expensive.  Take it easy, Unadilla Rewind (hopefully) is not going anywhere.  Of course, I'm basically going against my own doctor's orders showing up to race, but I figured since I'm not doing the double on Friday (no VXC) I'm actually taking it pretty easy on myself.  And my back is feeling better.  Reverse Polish Logic, or something like that.  ;)  

I didn't race Saturday last year and I really enjoyed the "day off" in between Friday and Sunday's racing, except I drank too much.  Many of you are such a bad influence...[:p]

brian kirby

Jeff, my ligaments are all good, its the meniscus or something else that is damaged. Its really strange, the knees are fine until I land really hard from a jump, or if the front end washes and I try to catch the bike by putting my leg out. My knee will kind of "pop" but it doesnt move like when a ligament is gone, its more like popping a knuckle in your finger, only 1000 times worse. Sometimes it pops and its fine, most times it pops and it takes 3-5 days before its OK. Rarely like this time it pops and takes 6-8 weeks. I can never tell by the pain of the initial pop how long its going to take, when I hurt it at Diamond Dons it didnt feel bad at all until I got home, then it swelled up and I could barely move it for a week. I've been to 4 doctors and they wiggle it, find no ligament damage and say there is nothing wrong and they wont order an MRI when I insist there is something wrong.

Bob, I decided to pass on Unadilla for exactly the reason you said. I went last year, and like you said, it isnt going anywhere, there will be plenty of years down the road I can go.




Find yourself a top notch orthopedic knee doctor.  Go to another city if necessary.  If the meniscus is going, it will never get better, but it will get worse.

I did mine many years ago, before current surgical technics and all they did was open up your knee remove the debris and polished up what remained and sewed you back up.  Some 30 years later I had to have a full knee replacement.  I had zero ligiment damage.  What a difference.

You are in and out of the hospital in 2- 3 days, 4-5 weeks of PT and you ready to go with no pain.


jeff greenberg

Brian, re-knees and such:  it takes courage to grow old!!

Gordon Brennan

Unadilla won't be nearly as much fun for me as I had expected.
Just received an email. ahrma cancelled the Trials do to an ill family member that was going to help set it up.
I know Trials doesn't appeal to very many of the folks here, but it's the whole reason I joined ahrma and am going to Unadilla. It's the closest ahrma will be to New England.
I feel bad for this person that is ill and hope the best for them. I don't mean to sound selfish, but I just don't get how one person can stop the event. Just for a minute, imagine if someone running the VMX on Saturday or the CC on Friday became ill. Somehow, I'm thinking ahrma would find someone to replace them and the show would go on.
Sorry for the rant. Just bummed about the whole thing. Been waiting and prepping my Penton for a long time for this event. I love Vintage Trials as much as you guys love Vintage MX and CC.


sorry gordon. i knew that you were really looking forward to this. the problem is deeper than you realize and is symptomatic of some of the struggles within ahrma.  debbie poole is who fell ill. bad enough that she and her husband rob had to cancel coming to unadilla, among other things. they were hoping to have someone else to be able to be the trials master to set up the sections etc ahead of time.that didn't happen and being so close to the event now makes it pretty tough to try to get someone to be able to do it in time. also, there is some dissension among some of the trials guys in the east due to the continued denial from ahrma to allow for a trails "twin-shock" aka pv trials classes. that in turn makes it harder yet to get some volunteers to be able to make it all come together. i know that doesn't help with your disappointment, but at least i hope that it gives you clearer picture of some of the stuff behind the scene. please look me up over the weekend.  chicago jerry

Gordon Brennan

Thanks Jerry. I will find you. Didn't mean to sound insensitive. I'll be on a 73 Husky with a white frame and will be pitted with friends riding Ossa's and Honda's.

Lew Mayer

Look me up,as well, Gordon.

Lew Mayer
Lew Mayer

Lew Mayer

Day one, so far, rain finally stopped on the way to the track. Thank God. Sun is out
and CC is delayed two hours. Hopefully this muddy mess may start
to dry out.

Lew Mayer
Lew Mayer

Dale Sonnenschein

Well, the rain held off for most of the weekend. The CC was muddy but not terrible. The MX was awesome. Saturday was a great day weather wise and sunday had a couple brief showers but they got all the motos in. The VMX was a little delayed and ran long.THey had to cut laps for the second moto. Weather was questionable sunday and they ran 3 lap motos too. But they got everything in.  All in all it was a fun weekend. A big thanks to the robinson family who put in a ton of work and all the volunteers too. Great job on the national anthem by chicago jerry!

74 puch 175 SD
73 Husky 360 WR/RT
76 Husky WR360
75 Penton 250
10 ktm 250xc
02 bmw r1150r

Gordon Brennan

+1 on Jerry doing a great job with the National Anthem.
Photos are up on Paul Buckley's site.
Hope to have some of my own to post soon. Had a fantastic time racing and spending time with friends. Guy Cooper was just amazing to watch. So fast and smooth. Wow what a great weekend.

tooclose racing

Great time at Unadilla. CC entries looked about the same as last year, but the motocross numbers seemed larger.

The CC course on Friday was for the most part in great condition considering all the rain, but by the time the PV guys got on the course the mud (black) hole in the first section took some guys out of the action.  I got thru it, but it was painful the last couple of laps.    By the end of race, some people went ahead and started routing around it and I can't say I blame them.  I talked to Jerry post-race and understand he can't be all people and all places at all times.  A sincere thanks Jerry for setting up this course.  BTW - Expert Chris Graber was just on another planet.  Phenomenal.   I - on the other hand - was very much on THIS planet with my riding.  But my back held up as did the MC5, with the exception of a front flat tire halfway thru my last lap. Kudos to Dale for his great finish, never did get the story from James Lubniewski (Skiracer) for his CC race (sorry for not asking James...).

Great fun watching the Vintage racing on Saturday, particularly the Guy Cooper and Dakota Kessler (son of Mickey) battles.  Ron Lechian was also screaming pretty good on a Can-Am.

It took 4 motos for me to finally get it right in the PVMX on Sunday, but I enjoyed myself overall, even with mid-pack finishes. Great racing with Rob Shofstahl (did I spell that right?) and James (Ski) who kicked my ass in the 2nd 250 Historic Int moto. When it comes to Unadilla, I need to come up with a quick way to move to a firmer set-up with my suspension, particularly my forks.  What works in the woods was beating the crap out me in a few spots on that awesome Unadilla MX track.

Next stop in our NE region...Allens Farm in a couple of weeks.  The MC5 needs some TLC, and a new chain and rear sprocket!:)

Gordon Brennan

One of my favorite Unadilla moments, off the bike.