New Penton Film Update...

Started by mxfiles, August 09, 2013, 01:48:18 PM

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Hi All!

A few updates for Poggers..

1) Thank you Paul for posting the new web site for the film. It's important for everyone to know that we can now take (and need) more backers for the film just like Kickstarter. Rewards for backers are the same. Just click on SUPPORT THE FILM then Become a Backer.

Easy to use PayPal on. Please spread the word to those who thought they missed out on the KS  campaign.

2) Spectro Oils has come on as a sponsor helping with post-production funds and most of all, they'll be distributing film information in 60,000 cases of oil to dealers and consumers.

(We still could use more sponsors so if anyone knows anyone. :) Click on that same SUPPORT THE FILM then Become a Sponsor link:


This helps us with sponsors, distributors, media, etc...Lets set a goal to get it over 1,000!

What do you say!

(Takes about 1 sec!)

4) Looks like we will have a theatrical distributor for the film! This means at least of one night or weekend people will be able to see the film in the theaters in select markets! Stay tuned for more info but I know we will need "Captains" in each market to help promote and push.

Any takers?

5) We were in Amherst last week and shot 16 interviews including:

John Penton (again)
Larry Maiers (again)
Laura Penton
Orrin Leimbach
Chris Kovach
Matt Weisman
Barb Weisman
Jim Borer
Dave Rathbun
Ed Youngblood
Ron Bohn
Frank Gallo
Frank Piasecki
Jim Piasecki
Norm Miller
Dan Brown

6) We are shooting at the Lake Elsinore Motocross Finals on Aug 23...Interviewees include:

Ryan Dungey
Ken Roczen
Marvin Musquin
Davey Coombs
and more!

I guess that's it for now. I'll keep you all posted and thanks for all the support in the past and in the future.




The world premiere should be in Amherst, maybe a matinee with an after party at KTM........


Quotequote:Originally posted by thrownchain

The world premiere should be in Amherst, maybe a matinee with an after party at KTM........


Hi! More than likely the premiere will be in Lorain or Cleveland because they have large, beautiful theatres there that can hold a lot of people. After the premiere, then it will live in Amherst for everyone to see who didn't get to premiere.

I can't wait!

Joe Murphy

I dropped an email about a showing in Iowa. I have a Theater available. haven't heard back
Joe Murphy


Quotequote:Originally posted by Joe Murphy

I dropped an email about a showing in Iowa. I have a Theater available. haven't heard back
Joe Murphy


Hi there! Thanks for reaching out thinking about down the road. When we announce our distribution company soon we will put you in touch with them to start the process. I think everyone will like how it will work and how they can be involved.

Stay tuned!
