High Breather Frame

Started by Jdbglover, June 22, 2002, 02:37:48 PM

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I have acquired two cmf high breather frames,on both frames the rear frame loops that are attached to the rear fender are slighty pushed down. Were the frames made this way? And if the rear frame loop is supposed to be level instead up pushed down, what is the best method to raise & straighten the rear frame loop?

Thank You



Doug Wilford

The frames should be straight.  You need to get a torch and heat them at the earliest bend area to straighten them out.


Gavin Housh

Bending with a tourch will leave a buldge in the tube. I just cut out the bent section and tig welded in new tubes. This part of the frame does nothing more than hold up the rear fender. Good luck


john durrill

 We have had good luck with Doug's suggestion.
 we heat the tube and use gental pressure , about the amount it would take to bend a Milky way candy bar. as long as the tube is heated all the way around to a red to a red yellow color no noticeable distortion takes place. It only takes an oxy accet rigg to do it.

Edited by - John Durrill on 06/23/2002  8:46:40 PM