New POG member

Started by Ed Wilcox, February 22, 2014, 06:53:32 PM

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Ed Wilcox

Greetings Penton Owners group from Snowacuse NY. I am a 60+ kid who still plays with motorcycles. It all started in the 60s with a 5hp B&S mini bike. Then in the 70s real motorcycles and motocross/hare scramble/enduro. I am into my 5th decade of riding and racing dirt and street motorcycles and don't plan on quitting any time soon.
I saved a Wassell - Mudlark from the scrap man as I have been looking at vintage MX Pentons for a little +60 class racing. In doing research on it I have explored this website numerous times. I have gotten parts and some great information from members already. Becoming a member is a no-brainer.
I am not to swift with computers and I am going to try to post some pics. I hope they work.
Nice to meet everyone! Ed


Hello Ed and welcome to the POG! I see you like the big bores. We are glad to have you as a member and fellow Penton owner. Hank

Hank Rinehart
Hank Rinehart


Welcome Ed, I'm a new member as well. Love the action shots. I agree, this is a great site.  Chris

1974 Mint 400
Frame 54 410 78640
engine 4 5500708
1974.5  Mint 400