Field trip

Started by Paul Danik, April 27, 2014, 01:31:47 PM

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Paul Danik

I would like to recommend a really neat place to visit if you ever are traveling along interstate 80 thru central Pennsylvania, Bill's Old Bike Barn

Early yesterday morning I left Mars with my son and two son-in-laws on a trip to the Supercross at Metlife Stadium in East Rutherford, NJ. Having heard about Bill's Old Bike Barn and given that it was only a couple of miles off our intended route of interstate 80, we figured we ought to check it out, and we are sure glad we did :)

We were very impressed with no only the amount of items Bill has on display, but also the variety. We were able to spend a little time with Bill before heading back onto the interstate and he is a really interesting and top notch guy.

This morning Judy looked over the brochure Bill gave out and now she wants to visit, bottom line is I wouldn't hesitate to bring the better half along on this visit, it isn't just cycle related.

Bill's Old Bike Barn & Museum is just a couple of miles off interstate 80 exit 241B, then north on route 11 about 3/4 mile, location will be on your left.

Mention to Bill that he needs a Penton in his collection, we did :D



Was there not a Billville Penton Dealership ?.......BT

Brian Taylor
Brian Taylor