Penton Film premiere tickets are now on sale!

Started by mxfiles, May 07, 2014, 11:52:39 AM

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Hi All!

We had a great few days of shooting in Amherst last week and are back in California doing final edits, music, etc.

As of today, tickets for the Ohio premiere of the film are on sale. Just click on the link below and follow the instructions!

We'll see ya there!



Hi Todd
I donated $100 to the kickstarter fund and had a email asking who names I wanted on my 2 tickets.  Have not had a response for a few weeks?
How soon will they be sent out?


Hi All,

To answer a couple of questions:

1) If you get Premiere tickets through Kickstarter you should have received an email through Kickstarter last week. (I wrote it myself.) Saying you get X amount of either a "Premiere Ticket" or "VIP Premiere" tickets (for those who donated $2,500 or more.

If you get a VIP ticket that gets you into the VIP reception before the film, and the after-party. If you get just regular tickets they are for the film only. We are working on a way for regular ticket holders to purchase after-party tickets on site.

The VIP tickets are all accounted for with cast members, Penton family, crew, sponsors, Kickstarter VIP backers,  etc. There may still be some available for sale. I have told others who are getting regular tickets and want VIP tickets to give/sell their regular tickets and purchase VIP tickets before they are gone. Only 50 were for sale.

2) You will not receive tickets in the mail. Your name will be on a will-call list. at the door.

Hope this helps.

Thanks to coming everyone!
