Prayers for Mike Gallagher

Started by 454MRW, July 07, 2014, 03:29:45 PM

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Eric Lewin

Mike, We've never met but I'm sending prayers your way. Glad you doctors caught it and I hope you have a speedy recovery. The photos of the bikes that you sold tell me you are a real enthusiast and you did an awesome job of keeping them so original. Best wishes, Eric

paul a. busick

Hang in there Mike. We are all keeping good thoughts for you. Amherst Paul :)

jeff greenberg


Dang Mike,

Even though we have never met we are bothers in arms due to our shared passion of vintage dirt bikes. You cut it too close on this one though. Get well SOON!  Hope you have some really pretty nurses!

Phil Ketchum
Phast Phil
Moderator, Hodaka Owners Group


Quotequote:Originally posted by pketchum

Dang Mike,

Even though we have never met we are brothers due to our shared passion of vintage dirt bikes. You cut it too close on this one though. Get well SOON!  Hope you have some really pretty nurses!

Phil Ketchum
Phast Phil
Moderator, Hodaka Owners Group


Dale Fisher

Early Friday morning at VMD two men came to the tent.  They asked about a big guy, accent, who talked a lot with a Penton tattoo on his arm.  The person they were looking for was always the first one at the gate Thursday morning for vendor setup.  Mike, they missed seeing you and conversation and send you their well wishes as we all do.  It wasn't quite the same Pentonville with your empty space evident next to the tree.  Let us know what's up when you get a chance!

Dale Fisher
Penton Owners Group - Memberships
Facebook - Cheney Twinshock Racing Group - Administrator

'70 Six-Day 125 - V2017
'71 Six-Day 125 (Dave Fisher's) - V5553
'72 Mudlark - W257
'73 Jackpiner - 175 21159727
'74 Berkshire 100 - 40171056
And some silly other bikes...
Dale Fisher

Former POG President,
Memberships, and Merchandising - Retired
Mudlark Registry


Get well Mike.  Prayers sent your way.

74 250 Hare scramble
73 CMF 6day
68 6day V213
74 250 Hare scramble
73 CMF 6day
68 6day V213


i stayed at mike's place over the weekend and we enjoyed the time. he seems to be hanging in there despite trying to get some medication regulated properly. he had another appointment with the doctor today, i think,  and he wants to express his heartfelt thanks for the thoughts and prayers sent his way.      chi jer


Follow Dr's orders, and get better soon, see you in York in Jan... ( if not before ).

Bud Green


Bud Green


With tears in my eyes and the outpouring support where do i begin other then to say THANK YOU !!!
you guys are as good to me as my family, better yet you are my Family :-)))

I have an elevated heart rate and blood pressure cond., my Dr. has me on meds that seem to have things some what subdued, i have an appointment with the Cardioligist on the 24th and will have a better idea of my heart condition and what lies ahead for the future, i guess i have to stop being my own worst enemy :-))) and make some life changes !!

i truly missed attending Mid-Ohio this year but you guys would have most likly hogged tied me and sent me to the ER - LOL -

Robert W. and ChicagoJerry can give you 1st hand info on how bad i was, although the meds i am currently taking since Monday are having a good effect on me they are not a fix, will wait to see what the Cardio Dr. has to say,

OK, i will keep everyone in the loop,
thanks again and i Luv ya Bros,


Mike Gallagher, NJ.
[email protected]
Mike Gallagher, NJ.
[email protected]