Chicago: Penton movie review

Started by silver, August 12, 2014, 11:16:45 PM

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I got the chance to see the John Penton Story last night so I thought I would jot down a few words. The movie was not sold out but it was a good sized and enthusiastic crowd. I never saw so many grey haired guys in one place. Thankfully we were mixed in with wives, girlfriends and kids. Thanks to the captain, Jeff Fredette. Jeff said it was the 3rd time he saw the movie. I know I can't wait to see it again. Thanks to Todd Huffman. The movie never felt like it was on a limited budget. Todd truly has an artistic quality about how the film was made. Thanks to Ed Youngblood for writing a great story about a man and a motorcycle.

              The John Penton Story, this film MOVED me. I went from watery eyes, (I must have got something in them) to big smiles. What I really liked about the film was you don't have to be a motorcycle racer/ rider to enjoy it . A strong family that had more than its fair share of hardship to go along with the success. As I'm watching John drive the tractor and trim trees I'm thinking I saw this man doing this firsthand at a pig roast / trail ride I was at last fall. While I really enjoy all the success that KTM has garnered.  I wonder if they understand how lucky they are to have a man like John Penton that paved the way for their success. Thank You Mr. Penton.

                                                                     Phil Peterson


Thank you so much for the kind words Phi.

I'm glad you got something out of the hardwork that our entire crew put into the project. Again, Thank you!
