Looking for a bed :)

Started by Wardie, September 19, 2014, 10:41:29 AM

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Okay Barber Vintage festival dilemma's continue :(

Somehow I booked a room through one of those services and those jackwads managed to get me a single bed (instead of two beds in a room) during the oversold no rooms available weekend of October 10-12.

I wanted to see if anybody needed a room mate for Friday and Saturday. I can give up my room to my Co Host Roy and buddy Bob Wentzel and crash in another room if available. Here's my cell if anything available call me. Thanks Larry



It appears the crisis is over. Found a home thanks to all who viewed.

If you're in Leeds, Alabama for the Vintage Festival check out the Trials competition Bob Wentzel our Trials Inc. current champion is going to participate that Saturday. Should be fun watching the trials will miss MX :(