The Good, The Bad and The Ugly.

Started by brian kirby, October 02, 2014, 12:37:55 AM

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brian kirby

I finally got around to getting the pictures and helmet camera footage up from the AHRMA CC race at the Hayes Farm.

The Good:

The course was great, and both my bikes, the '84 KTM125 and '74.5 Harescrambler both ran great, and the weather was perfect.

The Bad:

We ran PV first instead of Vintage first, so I started off on the '84 125. For some reason, it didnt start, hot or cold it has always started on the 1st or 2nd kick, but on the first dead engine race start....nope.

I hit that tree a ton with my left side, knee and shoulder especially, I hit it harder than I've hit anything in 40 years of riding. There was a small core of a tree on the edge of the trail almost parallel to the course. My front tire hit it and it sent me into the tree wide open in 3rd gear. It all happened so fast I never shut off the gas until after I hit the tree.

The Ugly:

I was going to quit after PV, but started feeling OK. I decided to ride Vintage, but I was going to let the expert row go and just ride at the back.

It doesnt look like I hit the tree that hard, and normally it wouldnt have been too bad, but I hit it in exactly the same spot I hit in the
PV race. It hurt so bad, as you can see, I was in NO hurry to get up and get going.

I decided that it was not my weekend and just packed it up after that.

Pictures are here:


Joe Murphy

you should have had your toes painted for good luck.  you still go like a bat ot of hell.


Nice riding Brian, right up to tree contact. I felt both of those sitting at my desk this morning sipping coffee. Ouch, hope you are all in one piece after that.

74 250 Hare scramble
73 CMF 6day
68 6day V213
74 250 Hare scramble
73 CMF 6day
68 6day V213

brian kirby

The second one I didnt hit all that hard, but its like hitting your thumb with a hammer, the first one hurt, but when you hit it the second time hurt much worse. Nothing really damaged, just banged up.



Well on the plus side it looked like a great course.

Pete Petrick
175 Jackpiner
Slow but Good
Pete Petrick
175 Jackpiner
Slow but Good

brian kirby

It was a fantastic course Pete!


Joe Murphy

you should have had your toes painted for good luck.  you still go like a bat ot of hell.


Nice riding Brian, right up to tree contact. I felt both of those sitting at my desk this morning sipping coffee. Ouch, hope you are all in one piece after that.

74 250 Hare scramble
73 CMF 6day
68 6day V213
74 250 Hare scramble
73 CMF 6day
68 6day V213

brian kirby

The second one I didnt hit all that hard, but its like hitting your thumb with a hammer, the first one hurt, but when you hit it the second time hurt much worse. Nothing really damaged, just banged up.



Well on the plus side it looked like a great course.

Pete Petrick
175 Jackpiner
Slow but Good
Pete Petrick
175 Jackpiner
Slow but Good

brian kirby

It was a fantastic course Pete!
