Looking for 1970 ISDT pics.

Started by Paul Danik, December 13, 2014, 10:47:07 PM

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Paul Danik


   A search is on for pictures from the 1970 ISDT that have Penton riders, or more accurately put, their machines in them. The three riders who's numbers I have are Tom Penton # 97, Jack Penton # 65, and Doug Wilford # 82.

    If you have a magazine with a write up in it of the 1970 ISDT that shows any pictures of the bikes, or any other pictures that may help, please let me know. Looking for details, not far away shots.  [email protected]  

I do have the one piece of Penton literature with Tom's picture on the cover riding his # 97 at the ISDT, it is the 8 1/2 X 3 5/8 piece that has 4 sections to it that folds.

   I have seen that there is a book about the 1970 event, if one of you has it please advise if there are any good shots of the bikes in it.

   Given that the event was held in the fall of 1970, any of you numbers guys want to speculate what the range of serial numbers could have been on those machines? In the V 5000 range, higher, lower...

 The CMF machines started to be built in June of "71", so the production of the Steel Tankers was heading towards its end...if in fact the production was shut down when the CMF production began, which seems logical, but logic doesn't always prevail.


Richard Colahan

Here's a great UK based ISDT History site...
The 1970 feature has a photo of Jeff, Tom, Jack

Somewhere in the article is a mention of the book you reference...published in Spain...and probably hard to find!

Richard Colahan
1969 V1225
Upper Black Eddy PA
Richard Colahan
1969 V1225
Upper Black Eddy PA

Richard Colahan

This must be it...


Richard Colahan
1969 V1225
Upper Black Eddy PA
Richard Colahan
1969 V1225
Upper Black Eddy PA

jeff greenberg

Is the 1970 ISDT the one featured in the original One Any Sunday movie?

Paul Danik

Richard, Thank you very much for your information, it is appreciated. If you make it to the York, PA swap meet hopefully we can get together, my space is directly behind Al Buehner's Penton parts booth.

Jeff, Yes it is.

 Jack tells the story of sitting next to Bruce Brown on the flight to Spain. He finds out from Bruce that he is going to be filming the event for a movie, and had really hoped he would be in it...but...:(

A little On Any Sunday story that Bruce told a few years back at the Breakfast Of Champions breakfast at Indy. "back in the day", when they filmed the movie, their cameras had no slow motion. In order to get the slow motion footage in the film the jazzed up the voltage in the camera when they filmed the footage, and played it back with the "normal" voltage, giving them, slow motion..:)  Also, their cameras did not have sound recording abilities at the ISDT, when they created the finished movie they dubbed in the sounds, such as Malcolm starting his Husky.

If I have told this all before I am not surprised...age, and lack of new stories will cause this..:)


Kevin Grimes

Paul, The 1970 ISDT book is no help for the pictures of the bikes. I saw one picture of Doug and one of Jack but not good enough for bike details. The book does have one page dedicated to the Penton family and their association with Mr. Trunkenpolz.
Paul you need a copy of the 1974 ISDT book. You have several beautiful shots in that book.

rob w

Paul, These pictures are from the 1970 ISDT. They are from a Penton sales leaflet copied from a April 1971 Popular Cycling. Do you have these pictures ?. There are two more pictures, I will scan and post them sometime this evening.
Top picture shows mixture of Steel Tank, and CMF bikes.

The Pentons arrived just in the nick of time due to customs delays.

The Penton team make last minute preparations before the start.


Paul Danik


 Those are great, thank you. I am sure you know who the folks are in the bottom photo, but for anyone who doesn't recognize all of those guys, L to R, Jack, John , Doug Wilford, Tom and Jeff.

  I have seen those pictures somewhere, but I sure don't remember where. Please do scan the others as well.

  Lots of nice details in those pictures.


  When you mentioned the 1974 ISDT book awhile back I did order it, and man was I surprised when it came...

  Thank you for the heads up. It is nice that they provided the English translation for the text.



rob w

Paul, I added the pictures to my post. Cool, glad they may be of some help. I'll browse some of my other mags.

Tom Penton

Final Special Test, Jarama Formula 1 Course near Madrid. Dad, Jeff, Jack and I are captured at the same corner. I find this very special to me as our different riding styles are contrasted. (The younger the flashier?)
Tom Penton