Clutch case removal

Started by Everett Sammis, May 01, 2015, 05:24:50 PM

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Everett Sammis

I have tried to remove my clutch case on a 71 Steeltank 125 and it won't come off. I removed the shifter and kick starter and 7 pan head screws and tried tapping it with a rubber hammer and it seems tight. I am afraid I will break something. I even tried to run a razor blade around the gasket seam but it's tight. Any ideas? Thanks Slacker


Try pulling the clutch lever in with the screws out.


Putting a little bit of heat on it with a blow dryer may also help move things along.


Its probably stuck around the bushing  shown as 6 and 7 .... If pulling in the clutch without the case screws dosent work ....Heat it up and use a rubber mallet to move it along

Brian Taylor
Brian Taylor


Where did that picture come from ?  I'm looking for a procedure to change my clutch (1974 Penton 125) and did get a repair book but that picture is not in there and it looks good too (mine are all fuzzy/blurred from being copied so many times).

Quotequote:Originally posted by BrianTaylor

Its probably stuck around the bushing  shown as 6 and 7 .... If pulling in the clutch without the case screws dosent work ....Heat it up and use a rubber mallet to move it along

Brian Taylor


The case cover has two inset dowels in east and west holes of the cover or they are in center case.
The cover has to be pulled straight off.


Picture was from an Alouette / Sachs repair Manual :)

Brian Taylor
Brian Taylor

Paul Danik

If using the pull of the clutch to loosen the cover doesn't work initially, try taking all of the slack out of the clutch cable at the lever adjuster and then pulling the clutch lever.


Everett Sammis

Thanks guys. Everything helped. I'm new at this and it took me awhile to find my question. It was great to see all the responses. Thanks