Bob Andersohn passes

Started by Paul Danik, July 21, 2015, 10:53:27 PM

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Paul Danik

It is with great sadness that we tell of the passing of Bob Andersohn. Bob was one of the nicest folks and always had a smile and kind word. He will be deeply missed.


Paul Danik

I looked last night for a photo of Bob from the POG archives and only found this one. Sometimes folks know someone in a casual manner and don't connect a name without a photo, thus the want of a photo of Bob. Please feel free to post others if you have any.


Kip Kern

Wow, breaks my heart, what a great man and friend, will be truly missed:(

paul a. busick

Bob was a truly good fellow.  He was always in the back ground at the AHRMA and Penton events with a smile. Motorcyles were not his only passion, he also was involved in sports cars back in the day.  He was truly an asset to the POG group and will be missed.  My prays go out to his family. May he rest in peace. Amherst Paul


Wow what a loss.  Bob was such a gracious person and always liked to ride his Special Penton 100 (with the key ignition that Kip built him) around the meets.  He was a excellent Rider too and enjoyed Enduros.  He is missed.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

Dennis Jones

I'm proud to have rode with and talked with Bob at different events, a true loss for the vintage dirt bike world.

Dennis Jones
Dennis Jones


This is such sad news.  Bob was such a nice and well respected gentleman.  He will be sorely missed.  My deepest and sincerest sympathy to his family and friends.

Pat Mickevicius
Pat Mickevicius

rob w

I agree with all, the sad loss of another wonderfully kind, and gracious Penton friend. He will be missed.


Jeff D

So sad to hear of Bob's passing.  Only got to see him at the Reunion Ride, but he was a true gentleman and enthusiast.  God speed.

Jeff DeBell
Jeff DeBell