
Started by stumpjumper, July 16, 2016, 06:36:34 PM

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ears broke off cdi box on pvl can not mount it properly.coil is mounted and grounded good.not going to run this bike a lot think I can duct tape to the coil and be ok or does both of them have to be grounded.thanks rich

rich skeweris
rich skeweris

brian kirby

All of my PVL systems have a single CDI/coil, never seen separate parts.



Quotequote:Originally posted by brian kirby

All of my PVL systems have a single CDI/coil, never seen separate parts.


rich skeweris
rich skeweris


Yea there are 2 separate parts are they not chi and coil

rich skeweris
rich skeweris

brian kirby

That is what is confusing to me, I have never seen a PVL with separate CDI and coil, my MZB/Powerdynamos also have CDI/coil combined and not separate.



yea brian ordered the cdi today forget the number but the coil and cdi are separate for 74 penton 400 analog system hope they have given me the right system for my bike.

rich skeweris
rich skeweris

Jack Penton

Hi Guys,

Penton Products offers PVL ignitions in two piece (coil and CDI) or a single combined unit. The function is identical but the two piece design allows for fitments with less room under the tank.  

It is very important to ground BOTH the coil and CDI components. If they are combined the coil/CDI mount will provide an effective ground. Both the coil and the CDI have a black ground wire with ring terminals for grounding to the frame. The independent CDI depends solely on this ground wire for its ground.

We are always available to answer your questions regarding our products. Please feel free to contact us at: [email protected] or call 440-898-4474

Hope this helps.

Jack Penton


thanks jack just got new cdi in the mail today.hope I can get it cranked up now.good hearing from you!

rich skeweris
rich skeweris


oh by the way been restoring a mint 400 like I had back in the day been a little bit of a struggle getting it runnin.my nephews make fun of me when I go to work on it.they say oh noe hes going to work on ole jack again my bike is named after you.rode with you couple years ago at the McKee sky ranch dual sport probably was good meeting you but my bike has been named after you but I know you didn't like the 400s.no offense!

rich skeweris
rich skeweris

brian kirby

Well, there you go, you learn something new every day. I had no idea there were PVL systems with separate CDI and coil.

As for Jack not liking the 400 I have a funny story about that that Jack might or might not remember.

In 2010 I raced my '72 Jackpiner in Vintage CC races and my '77 MC5 400 converted to a GS for Post Vintage CC. I also raced the '77 400 in the ISDT Six Day Qualifier Series that year.

I knew the 400 was a pretty hard hitting bike but up to that point I still thought if I tuned it some and adapting my riding style I could make it work for me in the woods. The first ISDT race of that year was in New Blaine AR and Jack was in my class riding his '77 250 GS6. We are sitting on the line for our 5 lap Grass Track moto on Sunday afternoon, we are lined up right next to each other and start some small talk. We chat for 3-4 minutes and Jack kind of casually looks at my bike and asks:

Jack: "Is that a 400?"

Me: "Uh huh"

Jack, with that knowing look of personal experience:

"Those things are too much for the woods"

Right then and there I knew I had made a mistake picking that bike. Here was a world class international off road legend, with his name on the gas tank of my bike, telling me HE thought the bike was too much for the woods. I still laugh about that to this day.
